Juice Feasting Cleanse is Great For You

Why is it always a good time to do a juice feasting cleanse?
Floods your body with super nutrition. Being on an all-produce diet gives us not only the vitamins and minerals but the all-important phytonutrients that are powerhouses for the clean-up and healing process. Juices are by nature raw foods — and retain nutrients that would be destroyed by cooking, including some B vitamins and especially (digestive and anti-inflammatory) enzymes.

As you are feeling better and having more energy, you also naturally lose weight. Some of this is water bloat, but also some is fat. A juice cleanse (three days minimum) is a great way to jump start a diet. The longer you do the better. It not only helps control appetite and cravings, but is naturally lower in calories, while supplying the body with probably more concentrated beneficial energizing and healing nutrients than it has seen before.

China Study Statements about Food Labels

This is a very hard hitting statement from Colin T Campbell, he wrote the china study. Amazing book if you haven’t read it. I truly believe in this statement.
But you have to also realize even as vegans you can eat the wrong things, there is still processed food for vegans. Choose wisely. Read ingredients of the foods you buy. Be aware and be cautious of hidden meaning and names.
