When you do a Juice cleanse properly you cleanse your body on a cellular level….

When you do a Juice cleanse properly you cleanse your body on a cellular level. Your sink will lol like this but your body with feel great.

Did you know? That digestion takes more energy than any other internal function in our body. Energy is a key factor in your body’s ability to loose weight permanently. Energy regenerates your whole body from your liver, tissue cells, flushes toxic waste from your body and helps maintain ideal body weight. And those are just a few of the many things energy regenerates. When you are on a juice feasting cleanse your digestion is turned off, the body now has 100 percent of its energy dedicated on purely healing and fixing itself. Raw Juice gets absorbed by your body within 10 to 15 minutes. With that your body releases some of the toxins its holding on to, as a result fatloss and healing happens. The less energy your body has to spend on digesting the more energy it will have on cleaning out the old toxic material that has been stored in your fat cells. Along with the fat loss your digestion will function better, your skin will glow, your energy will go through the roof, you will feel and look younger. All because your body has loosened the toxic built up sludge it had.

You are what you eat, but you are also what you drink. When you are dehydrated, your body goes into preservation or fat storing mode. Every day that you eat or drink the wrong things or dont drink enough water you put your health at risk. If your body gets overwhelmed and continues to deal with a major acid intake, your body will begin to store fat to protect your cells, tissues and organs. Thats right you heard me right Your body protects you by expanding your fat cells and storing toxins and chemicals. Your stored fat is actually working to save your life. But its also making you sicker and or fatter. How Ironic is that.

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