Improve your Digestion

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15 Ways to Improve Your Digestion

The health of your gut is directly related to your overall well-being. I
like to think of your gut as your second brain – it’s that important to keep it healthy! It seems more of my clients are coming to me with complaints related to their digestive systems including constipation, gas, bloating, diarrhea and heartburn. Luckily, your digestive health can be easily kept healthy and even improved with a few simple lifestyle adjustments.

If you’re experiencing digestive troubles, implement some of these simple ways to improve your overall digestive health. It will make a huge difference to the way you look and feel. When you’re experiencing sluggish digestion, this can have an impact on other areas of your health like your skin as well.

1. Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you consume: Eating a range of fruit and veg will provide your system with heaps of soluble fibre to keep your digestive system moving the way it should. Juicing is a great way to get all those nutrients and minerals your body needs.

2. Increase the amount of whole foods in your diet and decrease the amount of processed foods you consume: Processed foods are difficult for the body to digest and can cause blockages within your digestive tract. The more real food you eat, the more your gut will love you.

3. Start your day with a tonic of freshly squeezed lemons with a tablespoon of ACV (Apple cider vinegar) in spring or filtered water: This is alkalizing and helps to clean the stomach of any residual debris, while also kick-starting your digestive system first thing in the morning.

4. Listen to your body and what it needs. Your body is always talking to you, so if you’re having a difficult time “knowing” what works for you, consider doing a short cleanse.

5. Eat more fibre (fruit and vegetables are a great source of this!) as this helps your bowel movements to happen regularly: You should poop at least once a day, ideally up to three times a day.

6. Skip non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs if possible: As regular use of these can cause peptic ulcers in the digestive tract. Great for inflammation is ginger, turmeric and green vegetables.

7. Be careful of use of other drugs that also create digestive problems: Especially including antibiotics which strip your gut of all the good bacteria that your body needs to maintain good immunity.

8. Don’t overeat, but always eat when you feel hungry: This all comes down to listening to your body’s needs.

9. Use herbs which aid digestion: Such as peppermint, fennel, and ginger. Also consume ginger to help settle an upset tummy.

10. Drink liquids before and after meals, not during: This is the best way to avoid diluting your digestive juices.

11. Take your time and really chew your food: It might seem silly, but most people don’t chew their food enough! Your body can use energy for other things if you chew your food instead of relying on acid and enzymes. Aim to chew at least 30 times per mouthful.

12. Eat slower so your body has time to digest everything: Eating slowly means you won’t have too much air coming into your body when you swallow.

13. Avoid using laxatives: Your body becomes reliant on them and they are habit forming. Instead, try these 7 Ways to Heal Constipation Naturally.

14. Stop smoking a& drinking alcohol: These habits cause ulcers & heartburn.

15. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a specialist (gastroenterologist): You may want to get a referral from a friend or relative. Remember that they are there to diagnose and treat, prevention lies in your hands.

Heavy Metals Detoxification

chlorella1High levels of exposure to 23 environmental metals considered “heavy metals” such as lead, mercury, aluminum and arsenic can cause acute or chronic toxicity. This can result in damaged or reduced mental and central nervous function and damage to vital organs.

Long-term exposure may lead to physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative processes that mimic Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Some of the most common warning signs that you are struggling with heavy metal toxicity include:

Chronic fatigue
Autoimmune disease
Neurological disorders
Brain Fog
Depression, Bi-polar and Anxiety

Toxic Foods to Avoid

Farmed fish – Can contain heavy metals, dioxins and PCB’s which are highly toxic.
Food allergens – If your body is fighting against common allergens, it will not be able to detoxify from heavy metal poisoning.
Non-organic foods – These foods increase exposure to chemicals which make symptoms worse. Some of the worst offenders include conventional apple juice and brown rice products.
Foods with additives – Additives are chemicals that can aggravate toxicity symptoms and decrease your body’s ability to detoxify.
Alcohol – Is toxic to the body and can make it more difficult for your liver to process other toxins and contributes to toxic load.

SO now you are wondering okay so how does one detox heavy metals out of their bodies? Here are 5 supplements you can use to do that. Also remember green organic raw juices and raw food will help as well.

Number #1 for detoxing heavy metals is Chlorella.
Acts as a natural chelator to remove heavy metals.

Number 2 is Cilantro, especially when it is paired with parsley.
Helps with detoxification. These 2 greens together are a powerhouse especially in a green juice

#3 Vitamin C
Helps reduce free radicals.

#4 Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle aids in detoxification of the liver.

#5 Probiotics
Improves detoxification of gut and boosts immunity.

Natural Detox Treatments
Chelation therapy is the most effective way to reduce serious heavy metal exposure.

cilantroThe Detox Diet

Foods rich in vitamin C – Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C can reduce the damage caused by heavy metal toxicity by acting as an antioxidant.

Cilantro and other green vegetables – Cilantro and green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach and parsley are detoxifying and can help reduce the buildup of heavy metals like mercury in the body.

Garlic and onions – These vegetables contain sulfur which helps your liver detoxify itself of heavy metals like lead and arsenic.

Water – Drink 8 ounces of water or vegetable juice every two hours to help flush out toxins.

Flax and chia seeds – Omega-3 fats and fiber can help with detoxification of the colon and reduce inflammation.

Make Healthy Choices

12011198_843192662454548_3051520478530453810_nIt’s hard to get anywhere near your wellness goals if you’re misinformed about what foods are truly healthy.

I believe that one key aspect of eating well is ditching highly processed, fast food meals, and opting for fresh, whole, locally grown foods – organic as much as possible – packed with valuable vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Eating healthy is almost synonymous to staying healthy. Almost 80 percent of the positive effects you reap from a wholesome lifestyle can be attributed to a balanced and nutritious diet, with the remaining 20 percent coming from exercise.