Roots Of Western Medicine

Western medicine largely adheres to the doctrines of the French Scientist Louis Pasteur, who lived from 1822 to 1895. Pasteur’s theories were based on the theory of “germ warfare”, which basically hypothesizes that the germs from the outside are what makes us sick and create disease. Based on and because of this idea is why pretty much all beverages and many foods sold in grocery stores today have been pasteurized, or heated to very high temperatures to destroy any potential harmful germs.

But Pasteur has a little known contemporary and intellectual adversary: fellow french scientist Antione Beauchamp, who lived from 1816 to 1908. Beauchamp believed the exact opposite. His theory was based on the the idea that “the terraine is everything”. In other words, it is not just the germs from outside that cause illness, but a compromised immune system or some predisposing characteristic that allows the germs to flourish in the body and cause illness. For instance, why is it that two people get coughed on directly in the face by same person on subway, but only one person gets the flu? Dr. Robert Young gives a great analogy to this by pointing out that is you throw seeds on concrete, they cannot grow. But if you throw the seeds on fertile soil, they grow and flourish. Same goes for germs and sickness.

Dr.T.Colin Campbell’s findings in The China Study support Beauchamp’s theories and also brings back what the founding fathers of medicine had said back 431 B.C, “Let food by thy medicine and medicine by they food”. Campbell discussed how when two experimental groups were exposed to the same amount of a carcinogenic substance, the group consuming the higher levels of animal protein and dairy was the one that developed diseases such as cancer, and the group consuming the lower level of these foods did not. As Beauchamp theorized, the first group had the right “terrain” for sickness to develop.

Under Beauchamp’s theory, we can hypothesize that there really is only one disease: an acidic body that releases acidic waste and toxins, compromising immunity. The body then becomes fertile terrain for sickness, disease and harmful bacteria and germs. All the various diseases are symptoms of general toxicity in the body, but not the root cause itself. So cancer, diabetes or any named disease is not the root cause, its that the body itself is acidic causing inflammation and that causes diseases varying on where the weakness in your body is.

This is why at institutions like the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute and the Hippocrates Health Institute, there are many cases where symptoms of diseases such as cancer subside when clients are put on a raw plant based diet and juice feasting cleanses. These institutions do not perform chemotherapy or radiation on specific areas of the body, but rather treat the body holistically and work to raise the alkalinity of the entire body. As Renowned food expert and journalist Michael Pollan said in 2007 “Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants”.

Of-course, we can see how Pasteur’s theory is much more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry as pill after pill in introduced to cure something or another, as flu shots and more vaccinations are introduced, as radiation, chemotherapy and other cancer drugs, penicillin, other antibiotics and the like make the industry trillions and trillions of dollars. That is not to say that some of these things don’t have an important purpose clearly some do and have saved lives, while others have not and have only made people sicker and sicker and sicker.

But if we keep our bodies clean of toxins and excessive waste, balanced at a more alkaline pH and keep our immunity strong, we may need these medicines far less and we ourselves may have much more control over our own health.

So how can you do that? EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Sounds simple doesn’t it. Raw Food scares people but dont let it, start slow and start today. Make half your consist of raw vegetables when you eat that piece of meat. Explore with salads, try zuchinni pasta instead. Raw Juice and juicing is one of those simple things you can start to do to help your body function at the capacity its meant to. Wether you have just one raw juice a day, juice cleanse or do a juice feasting cleanse your body will thank you.

A shot a Day, The Powers of Wheatgrass

wheatgrass2 The power of daily wheatgrass shots.

Wheatgrass is the leaf of a young wheat plant. Today, it has become a popular health and diet food. It is considered the topnotch cleanser, builder, healer, protector and rejuvenator of health. Dr. Ann Wigmore was the 1st person to apply the benefits of wheatgrass juice to human health and since then, has helped many overcome health problems.

??wheatgrass? juice helps eliminate toxins stored in the body such as hardened mucous, crystallised fatty acids, fat deposits, calcification and solidified decaying fecal matter. The concentrated amount of selenium in wheatgrass juice is also vital to help purge the body of toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

Wheatgrass ?juice? contains all 21 minerals. Wheatgrass juice contains over 100 different elements and scientists have concluded that it is a complete food.

Health Is An Investment


When we learn to eat properly, we begin to rebuild our bodies and to fulfill our purpose on this planet: to grow in health, creativity, wisdom and compassion. Dr. Ann Wigmore

Start each meal with raw vegetables or greens to ensure you get plentiful supply of enzyme rich foods to increase your enzyme reserve.

?#?Didyouknow? live enzymes help reserve the aging process, increase beauty and help us loose weight.