Green Juice Power…Let’s Get Juicing

This amazing juice is packed with chlorophyll, antioxidants, minerals and nutrient dense greens! The celery helps to infuse the body with magnesium and calcium to help soothe the nervous system and prepare the body for rest. Parsley and cucumber boost our immune system by flooding our body with nutrient dense chlorophyll, while ginger aids in digestive fire, helping to alleviate any stomach or intestinal issues.

Parsley is one of the best blood purifiers, and helps control blood cholesterol levels, constipation, gum and tooth issues and protects the body from harmful free radicals. Cucumber is a great natural diuretic and helps regulate body temperature and aids in cell hydration, waste removal and dissolves kidney stones. Celery is a natural appetite suppressant and has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is beneficial for respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma and can even help lower blood pressure up to 14% in hypertensive patients.

– 1 cucumber
– 2 limes (peel removed if non-organic)
– 2 cups spinach
– 1 bunch parsley
– 3 green apples
– 5 stalks celery
– 3-4 inches fresh ginger root

Juice the above ingredients in a juicer and enjoy!

Go ahead and get juicing!

Heavy Metals Detoxification

chlorella1High levels of exposure to 23 environmental metals considered “heavy metals” such as lead, mercury, aluminum and arsenic can cause acute or chronic toxicity. This can result in damaged or reduced mental and central nervous function and damage to vital organs.

Long-term exposure may lead to physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative processes that mimic Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Some of the most common warning signs that you are struggling with heavy metal toxicity include:

Chronic fatigue
Autoimmune disease
Neurological disorders
Brain Fog
Depression, Bi-polar and Anxiety

Toxic Foods to Avoid

Farmed fish – Can contain heavy metals, dioxins and PCB’s which are highly toxic.
Food allergens – If your body is fighting against common allergens, it will not be able to detoxify from heavy metal poisoning.
Non-organic foods – These foods increase exposure to chemicals which make symptoms worse. Some of the worst offenders include conventional apple juice and brown rice products.
Foods with additives – Additives are chemicals that can aggravate toxicity symptoms and decrease your body’s ability to detoxify.
Alcohol – Is toxic to the body and can make it more difficult for your liver to process other toxins and contributes to toxic load.

SO now you are wondering okay so how does one detox heavy metals out of their bodies? Here are 5 supplements you can use to do that. Also remember green organic raw juices and raw food will help as well.

Number #1 for detoxing heavy metals is Chlorella.
Acts as a natural chelator to remove heavy metals.

Number 2 is Cilantro, especially when it is paired with parsley.
Helps with detoxification. These 2 greens together are a powerhouse especially in a green juice

#3 Vitamin C
Helps reduce free radicals.

#4 Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle aids in detoxification of the liver.

#5 Probiotics
Improves detoxification of gut and boosts immunity.

Natural Detox Treatments
Chelation therapy is the most effective way to reduce serious heavy metal exposure.

cilantroThe Detox Diet

Foods rich in vitamin C – Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C can reduce the damage caused by heavy metal toxicity by acting as an antioxidant.

Cilantro and other green vegetables – Cilantro and green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach and parsley are detoxifying and can help reduce the buildup of heavy metals like mercury in the body.

Garlic and onions – These vegetables contain sulfur which helps your liver detoxify itself of heavy metals like lead and arsenic.

Water – Drink 8 ounces of water or vegetable juice every two hours to help flush out toxins.

Flax and chia seeds – Omega-3 fats and fiber can help with detoxification of the colon and reduce inflammation.

When to Juice Cleanse?

Every day is the perfect time for a detox! Start fresh, cleansed, and ready to take on 2016 with a tailored and formulated juice cleanse from @Rawjuiceguru, which is unlike any typical juice cleanse because we formulate juices to each client from over 900 raw juices. Our 900 juices have bio-available nutrients, live enzymes, boosters, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and the healing powers of earth, water and sun.

Your cleanse is not about going into starvation mode, but rebuilding your body and. digestive system to get you on track.
Don’t miss the holiday promo going on now too…

Promo ends December 31st, you have 6 months to book your cleanse once you buy it.

email cleanse or call 1800 831 9028 to order.

Grap Your Raw Juice

What Can Organic Slow pressed Raw Juice do for you:

– Boost the number of fruits and vegetables you consume daily
– Break the cycle of unhealthy eating and crave healthy foods
-Lose weight
-Manage a healthy weight
– Lower the risk of life-threatening diseases
– Promote longevity
– Decrease aches and pains in joints and muscles
– Boost your immune system
– Release stored toxins
– Increase energy levels
-Promote beautiful and healthy skin, nails and hair
– Ease digestion by accessing digestive enzymes locked away in whole produce

Stop by 3324 Dundas street west, Toronto
For your organic slow pressed raw juice, or order for delivery on

Our New C-V8 Juice & Benefits of Tomatoe

Come try the refreshing, happy heart, cardiovascular strengthening raw juice.

Cucumber, tomatoes, celery, cayenne pepper, black pepper, Himalayan salt

10 Health Benefits from Eating Tomatoes

1. Tomatoes are good for your skin.

Tomatoes contain a high level of lycopene, which is a substance that is used in some of the more pricy facial cleansers that are available for purchase over-the-counter.
If you want to try tomatoes for skin care, you need to start with about eight to twelve tomatoes. Peel the tomatoes and then place the skin on your face with inside of the tomato touching your skin.
Leave the tomatoes on your face for a minimum of ten minutes, then wash. Your face will feel clean and shiny. Some redness may occur, but should fade with time.

2. Tomatoes help prevent several types of cancer.

A number of studies have been conducted that indicate that the high levels of lycopene in tomatoes works to reduce your chances of developing prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer.
Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that works effectively to slow the growth of cancerous cells. Cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene, so go ahead and cook up a batch of your mom’s famous tomato soup.

3. Tomatoes help maintain strong bones.

Tomatoes contain a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on the bones as well as the bone tissue.

4. Tomatoes help repair damage caused by smoking.

No, eating tomatoes is not the most recent fad to help you quit smoking. However, tomatoes can reduce the amount of damaged done to your body by smoking cigarettes.
Tomatoes contain coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid that work to protect the body from carcinogens that are produced from cigarette smoke.

5. Tomatoes provide essential antioxidants.

Tomatoes contain a great deal of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. This is primarily because these vitamins and beta-carotene work as antioxidants to neutralize harmful free radicals in the blood.
Free radicals in the blood stream are dangerous because it may lead to cell damage. Remember, the redder the tomato you eat is, the more beta-carotene it contains. In addition, you also want to keep in mind that cooking destroys the Vitamin C, so for these benefits, the tomatoes need to be eaten raw.

6. Tomatoes are good for your heart.

Because of the Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes, they are effective in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure. Therefore, by including tomatoes in your regular balanced diet you can effectively prevent heart attacks, strokes as well as many other heart related problems that may threaten your life.

7. Tomatoes are good for your hair.

The Vitamin A in tomatoes works perfectly to keep your hair shiny and strong. In addition, it also does wonders for your eyes, skin, bones and teeth.

8. Tomatoes are good for your kidneys.

Adding tomatoes without seeds to your diet has been proven in some studies to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

9. Tomatoes are good for your eyes.

The Vitamin A found in tomatoes is fantastic for improving your vision. In addition, eating tomatoes is one of the best foods to eat to prevent the development of night blindness.

10. Helps diabetic.

Tomatoes are packed full of the valuable mineral known as chromium. It works effectively to help diabetics keep their blood sugar levels under better control

A shot a Day, The Powers of Wheatgrass

wheatgrass2 The power of daily wheatgrass shots.

Wheatgrass is the leaf of a young wheat plant. Today, it has become a popular health and diet food. It is considered the topnotch cleanser, builder, healer, protector and rejuvenator of health. Dr. Ann Wigmore was the 1st person to apply the benefits of wheatgrass juice to human health and since then, has helped many overcome health problems.

??wheatgrass? juice helps eliminate toxins stored in the body such as hardened mucous, crystallised fatty acids, fat deposits, calcification and solidified decaying fecal matter. The concentrated amount of selenium in wheatgrass juice is also vital to help purge the body of toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

Wheatgrass ?juice? contains all 21 minerals. Wheatgrass juice contains over 100 different elements and scientists have concluded that it is a complete food.

New Juice Red Sea & Benefits of Fulvic & Humic Acid

Welcome to the 900+ raw juices we have what we call “Red Sea”.

This red potion is perfectly formulated With 6 powerful ingredients:
Coconut water, beets, ginger, Chaga, fulvic acid and Humic.

AVAILABLE In Store and onlineredsea

Let us focus on fulvic and Humic acid benefits today so you can see how powerful this juice is with just these 2 ingredients.

Fulvic acid benefits:

-Powerful anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger
-Anti-aging and rejuvenating
-Chelates heavy metals
-Removes radiation from your body
-Repairs DNA/regrows brain cells
-Transports nutrients into cells
-Powerful natural electrolyte
-Increases bio availability of nutrients and minerals
-Alkalizes and detoxifies blood
-Regenerates and hydrates cells

Humic acid Benefits:
• 80+ minerals
• Potent Anti viral properties
• Promotes bone regeneration
• Clinically proven anti-inflammatory
• Burns fat and builds muscle
• Immune boosting
• Hormone balancing
• Anti carcinogenic properties
• Protection from harmful chemicals
• Protects against asthma and bronchitis, fibromyalgia, auto immune disorders, diabetes and tuberculosis
• Clinically shown to Block all viruses, including HIV and Herpes viruses

Is There Fiber In Raw Juice?

fiberYou have all asked is there fibre in our raw juice? Yes. The separation you see in picture that 80 percent is the fiber. And this juice is apple, cucumber, parsley, cilantro, kale, lemon.

You can always tell the amount of fiber in any raw juice you buy by this separation. It also varies on the kind of juicer you use. We use the best cold pressed juicers to give your body the best amount of live enzymes, nutrients and fiber.

It was also thought that the juice had no fiber. Juicing got a bad rap in the early nineties because it was thought that the juice lacked fiber. But that assertion was simply not true; only the insoluble fiber is removed in the juicing process, and it’s loaded with soluble fiber, which is excellent for the intestinal tract.

There are 2 main types of fiber in fruits and vegetables. There is insoluble and soluble.

We all get enough insoluble, the problem is we are not getting enough soluble because it’s harder for our bodies to break down. Because of the food choices we make. When you remove the insoluble fiber and are left with the fluid part of the fruits and vegetables, it allows easier assimilation and absorption of vitamins, minerals & other important phytonutrients across the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber slows down absorption of many micronutrients, so basically juicing is fast tracking our nutrients.

In the past it was thought when juicing fruits and vegetables, a significant amount of nutrients remained in the fiber of fruits and vegetables, but that theory has been disproved. The Department of Agriculture analyzed twelve fruits and found that 90% of the antioxidant activity was in the raw juice rather than the fiber.

The recommended fiber intake for adults is between 20 and 35g per day, but the average Persona daily intake of dietary fiber is only 14 to 15 grams. It is easy to double that by juicing once each day. You can drink 2-3 lbs of veggies in one juicing, where it would be next to impossible to eat that amount in a meal.