Let’s Talk Juicing and Juice feasting cleanse

There are a number of benefits to doing a juice feasting cleanse and regular juicing. One of the main reasons this should be your new “habit” are the high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins , minerals, liver enzymes and phytonutrients that the body gets in one shot.

About 90% of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are found in their juices. Since it is a liquid, the body is able to absorb all of the nutrients much more quickly than actually eating the veggies and fruits. Plus, you’d have to eat quite a few veggies and fruits daily just to get a fraction of the nutrients you get from drinking on glass. It also makes a fast and easy snack that helps to quench that sweet tooth, and fill you up. It really helps with cravings and is quite filling.

One of the main things you will experience after juicing for awhile is the change in your palate, your Taste buds do change. Foods that aren’t organic or natural taste like processed junk just doesn’t taste right anymore. The artificial sweeteners used they use have a nasty aftertaste.

With natural raw organic juice, the sugar is fructose, a natural sugar your body can easily break down because it sees it as glucose. Glucose is a sugar that the body uses for energy, and everything we eat gets converted into this sugar. Fructose is a very similar molecule to glucose in its chemical makeup, so the body has less work to do. It also doesn’t have the acidic aftertaste caused by artificial sweeteners like saccharin.

Most of the foods we eat daily are riddled with preservatives, chemicals (like insecticides) and other toxins that can wreak havoc on our bodies. All of these chemicals and toxins create free radicals in our blood stream. Free radicals are responsible for the aging process, autoimmune diseases, and even cardiovascular disease.They cause cells to break down and die and slow the healing process considerably.

Antioxidants, phytonutrients and live enzymes are the antidote so to speak. Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients as vitamin E , vitamin C , magnesium, calcium, and many more among others. In raw organic juice form, these nutrients go straight into the blood stream and neutralize these free radicals preventing cell damage and death.

The fact that the body doesn’t have to work very hard to digest juice, allows the energy saved from the digestion process to be used for other essential activities like building muscle or clearing out toxins already in adipose tissue (fat cells).

Many people also notice that they have quite a bit more energy after they start juicing. I’m one of those people. My energy levels drastically increased after about the third day of juicing. Of course, the same effect when happen you consume more raw foods or go vegan. Animal products, specifically the animal protein casein, are very difficult to break down, taking up to 72 hours to digest, and they also create an acidic state in the body known as metabolic acidosis. This causes the body to strip calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidic state. This can cause osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

A juice feasting cleanses, or even just drinking it several times a day, and limiting your intake of animal products (or removing animal products all together) will allow the body to reverse this acidic state and start replenishing its calcium stores.

The juice feasting really jumpstarts the process of cleansing the body. It also helps you burn away all those fat stores. Many people do the it for three, five, or seven days. Some people go much longer, up to 60 days in some cases. These longer juice feasting cleanses are called reboots and they allow the body to burn fat, cleanse toxins and repair previous damage. Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before starting but any doctor with a nutrition background will tell you it wouldn’t be a problem and “you’re getting plenty of nutrients.”

The first three to 5 days are the hardest. You feel sluggish, and horrible. But this is the body “resetting.” Many suffer headaches and withdrawal from caffeine and sugar for the first few days or week it varies on the person.
But as the time goes on, all this changes. You’ll have a spring in your step, and you won’t feel loaded down by excess fat, salt and other toxins. You won’t have constipation; in fact you’ll be quite regular because of all the fiber.

This help to lower the risk of colon cancer, diabetes and many other diseases. Acidity and inflammation are the r
oot causes of all diseases. Feasting your cells with nutrients reduces inflammation and balances your pH.

Vitamin D and its Importance to Your Health

558895_510625919044559_1673957776_nVitamin D is Actually a Hormone: Here’s Why You Need It

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin (technically a hormone) that is generally produced by special cells in our skin, in conjunction with cholesterol. When the sun hits your skin, it sets off a series of chemical reactions that produce each of the phases of Vitamin D.

This Vitamin D3 is then transported to your liver where it is converted into the usable form of vitamin D, and then goes about doing all the wonderful things vitamin D does for us. Did you know that one of the roles of vitamin D is helping us to better absorb and utilize calcium & phosphorus? That is one of the reasons why many calcium supplements come with vitamin D included.

Boost your body’s ability to utilize these bone, teeth and nail building minerals by getting your daily dose of vitamin D through 15-30 minutes of bare skin sun exposure 3-5 times per week (longer exposure needed the darker tone your skin is and where you live in relation to the equator), beating foods high in naturally occurring vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol), and
supplementing with very effective and inexpensive vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) oils which can be readily found in a health food store near you.

If you can only afford one supplement for your health, the wide array of health enhancing and disease preventative benefits that healthy levels of Vitamin D3 provides makes this the one.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

ashtanga-yoga-385x700Yoga is an integral approach made of eight limbs (Ashtanga) working together in harmony for a single purpose of promoting wellness in you.

Can you imagine a life filled with wrong personal and social conduct, ruled by the five senses, and only guided by the emotions? Can you imagine this life producing peace, health, and happiness? You cannot! It is not possible. The emotions are a good servant but not a good master. The intellect is the master and must take charge.

Imagine your body as a chariot, your intellect as a chariot driver, your mind as the reins, your five senses as the five horses drawing the chariot, and your desires as the roads you travel on. Your intellect must at all times be in control of the reins (mind) and direct the horses (senses) to keep the chariot on the right roads (desires) for creating wellness. Otherwise, five horses (your five senses) running wild and out of control would drive the chariot (body) on the wrong roads, creating disease and unhappiness.

Try to understand that yoga is more than just physical exercises. When you practice all eight limbs of yoga, including right thoughts, words, actions, social behavior, physical exercises, self-control of vital life forces, and self-control of mind with vigilant intellect, then you unite your spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical components all behind one single purpose, and that is wellness!