What is a Detox? Ten Reasons To do A Juice Feasting Cleanse

Why Cleanse?
Why do people do a juice cleanse?
Doesn’t your body detox itself its a waste of money to do a juice cleanse?
Juice cleanses screw up your body?
What toxins does the juice cleanse remove, why cant these companies that sell juice cleanses tell you the name of the toxins that are being removed?

I am sure you have heard all these questions and even you yourself have wondered what is the point of a juice cleanse. I am here to tell you its not a hoax, its not a waste of money, and its not useless.

So yes your body does detox itself daily. Or I should say your body is supposed to be detoxing itself daily. Your body works like a well oiled clock. Every few hours in the day a different organ in your body is attempting to detox itself. Have you ever wondered why when you wake up in the morning one of the first things that happen is you go poop. That is because your intestines detox between the hours of 3 and 6am. Problem is our eating habits and lifestyles have changed dramatically. We consume lots of dairy, meat, processed and nutrient deficient foods. We don’t sleep enough, we don’t exercise and get our bodies moving.

The body becomes overloaded with toxins due to various internal and external forces such as unhealthy foods, stress, sleeping habits and harmful environments.

It’s important to flush these toxins out of the body regularly to make sure that the body’s systems are running properly.

Common signs of excess toxins in the body are fatigue, excessive weight gain, skin reactions (rashes and acne), constipation, and bad breath to name a few.

There are two main sources of toxins that affect the body on a daily basis:

Environmental Toxins: These are toxins outside of the body. They include things like pesticides, carbon monoxide, the perfume or cologne you wear, your cleaning products and other chemicals people come in contact with on a daily basis.

Metabolic Toxins: These are toxins on the inside of the body. This can happen through a variety of mechanisms, but the main thought here is something that has been eaten and absorbed into the cells through digestion. The dairy and meat you eat have growth hormones given to the chickens, cows and etc, they also contain antibiotics. Something to keep in mind is that 85 percent of the antibiotics in the world are used on the foods you eat. There is also the fluoride that is added to your water, linked to dementia and Alzheimer. We have all heard about GMOs cant forget those, not to mention preservatives like salt, MSG, and all those long complicated names that you see written on the ingredient lists of foods. We can write a novel about the toxins that are inside your body at this moment just from the foods you have eaten.

What is a detox? You can detox in a variety of ways, but the main purpose is simple – to get the toxins out of the body, best way is by doing a juice cleanse. WHY? A juice feasting cleanse gives your digestion a break by flooding your system with nutrients it needs to reset, reboot and heal. A raw juice is be absorbed by your digestive system within 15 minutes, compared to other foods you eat that can take anywhere from 24 to 36 hours. Anytime you eat your body can use up to 80 percent of its energy on digestion, and that is not good. Hence why you might feel tired after eating complex foods like meat, dairy and processed. When your body is using 80 percent of its energy trying to digest the food you just ate, other organs that are meant to be detoxing are not.

Other ways to detox after your cleanse are through dieting, exercise, inhaling fresh air, and consuming more water, fruits, and vegetables. Juicing can have dramatic effects on your overall health and how you feel.

10 Reasons to do a Tailored Juice feasting cleanse and Detoxify the Body

1. Youthful energy

Remember the vibrant, non-stop energy you had in your youth? Detox programs can help to get some of it back. One of best benefits from detoxification of the body is increased energy levels.

Cutting out harmful chemicals like sugars, hydrogenated oils, fatty foods, and dangerous energy drinks while replacing them with water, vegetables, and fresh fruits, can cause a dramatic spike in the body’s natural energy levels.

Things you will notice in your day-to-day life:

Wake up and feel energized to start the day
Experience less midday energy crashes
Have a greater desire for new experiences instead of time on the couch

2. Improves mental clarity

There is a direct connection between cognitive and digestive health. Once you improve your overall health, you will notice the mind becoming clearer. Foods labeled as inflammatory not only affect your organs and gut, but the brain as well. Most people overlook the important fact that inflammation from foods happens in the brain as well as the body.

Once you clear your plate of sugar and fatty foods, you will notice clearer thinking and an improved mood as a result of the detoxification process.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Less brain fog, especially midday
Better focus and attention to detail on daily tasks

3. Strengthens the immune system

If you feel like you’re constantly catching a cold or the flu, juicing and juice cleanses will help. When the body detoxes, it is freed up from the toxin burden on major organs and can operate like it was designed to.

All good juice cleanses will provide a healthy amount of vitamin C, which has been conclusively shown to improve the immune system and protect against diseases. Also you will be getting all the nutrients, phytonutrients and minerals your immune system needs to fight anything that comes its way.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Get the common cold less often than co-workers and friends
Recovering faster from illnesses when they happen

4. Aids in weight loss

It’s easy to see how cutting out processed foods, dairy, meat, sugars and fatty foods from the diet will impact weight quickly. Toxins affect the body’s natural ability to burn fat and lead to weight gain. When foods are not digesting properly, losing weight will be more difficult. Juicing gives your digestive system a vacation. The juice you drink will be absorbed by your digestive system within 15 minutes, where the food you normally eat can spend 24 to 36 hours in your digestive system.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Yoga pants will fit better
Juice cleanses do help you loose fat cells
Gradual steady weight loss over time

5. Slows the aging process

By reducing the amount of toxins and free radical damage done to the body, you will notice benefits in both the short-term and the long-term. Free radicals are incomplete electrons that are devastating to your health and aging processes, but when you eats more vegetables and fresh fruits, they will combat these free radicals with powerful antioxidants.

The antioxidants will keep the body looking younger and healthier while slowing the aging process.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Less wrinkles on your forehead and around the eyes
Less bags under the eyes when you wake up

6. Clearer skin

Environmental and diet-based toxins can have very visible results on the largest organ in the body – the skin. Detoxifying the body can help with acne, will strengthen nails and hair, and will help provide a natural healthy glow. As toxins leave the body though the skin (your biggest eliminative organ), a slight increase in acne or even patchiness to the skin is common.

Don’t worry though, it will clear up after a few days and when it does, you will be left with healthy, vibrant skin that you will love.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Improved skin color and overall complexion
Nails and hair will grow a little faster than normal
Acne will become a rare occurrence, if ever

7. Helps curb sugar and carb cravings

It is a fact that sugar and carbohydrates are biologically addictive. Sugar has even been reported to be 8 times more addictive than cocaine. There’s a reason why it’s so hard to give it up, and thankfully a sugar detox can help with this. There really is no better way to kick these craving than to cut it out for awhile. The problem is that this can induce headaches and sluggish feelings that come with withdrawal.

That is why replacing the process sugars and bad carbs with healthy organic cold pressed raw juice is important. Yes the Fruit does have sugar but those sugars come with enzymes that help break them down and make them healthy do your body.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Cravings for fruits and vegetables
Bad feelings if you consume sugars and bad carbs again

8. Improves digestive health

When detoxing, the body is getting rid of the excess waste stored in the gut and fat cells. The primary way this happens is through the increase in fiber that comes with the raw juice. Yes you heard us say it, Raw juices do have fiber, its all about the machine you use when you juice those fruits and vegetables. The fiber helps cleanse the colon and drag out any of the toxins that get built up over time. It also improves the functionality of the liver and kidneys that are responsible for processing the foods that you eat.

In this way, the body will be able to better absorb the vitamins and nutrients from your food.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Becoming regular
More instant energy from food

9. Establishes healthy habits

Doing a juice cleanse for 10 days and longer will make a huge impact on your life, and will help you make healthy choices and decisions for the days following. The key to making clean eating and being healthy work for you is establishing lifelong habits that you can stick with. That is why detox programs should be the first stepping stone to living a healthier life.

When you cleanse the body and replace the old foods with healthier food choices, you can train yourself into making your health a priority in your life.

Things you will notice in your day-to-day life:

Thinking about how a specific food is going to impact long-term goals
Waking up and thinking about healthy decisions first thing in the morning

10. Restores balance to the body’s systems

The body is a complex group of intertwining systems that work together in order to achieve optimal health. The nervous system, digestive system, and hormonal system are trying their best to keep you healthy and reproduce your genes. That is what the body is made for!

Detoxing and getting rid of these harmful toxins will bring balance back to your overall system and make you feel like you’re in a brand new body!

Things you will notice in your day to day life

Becoming happier with yourself
Improved mood and outlook on day-to-day living

What is HPP ?

What is HPP?
Google says: “High Pressure Processing (HPP)
is an FDA approved method of treating foods and juices. They claim that by doing HPP you reduce or eliminate harmful bacteria and extend the shelf life. Because HPP is a non-thermal pasteurization process, it does not materially affect the food itself thereby preserving freshness, taste, and consistency. HPP usually extends the shelf life of raw foods from a few days to 45-90 days. This makes the food stable and easier to transport, hold, store, and sell.”
The above quote is what you would read if you google HPP. We have been talking about HPP since we started back in early 2012, Educating consumers that these juices are not raw like they claim. There are no laws in place right now that forces juice cleanse companies to tell the truth that they are using HPP. .
HPP is just another way where something that is healthy and amazing for you is taken and turned into garbage. Raw juice does not last 45 days or 60 days. And you can not preserve the live enzymes and nutrients for that long that’s why if you taste a juice that is HPP it will taste different and watery compared to a raw juice made from raw ingredients and in its raw state.
Also yes you are killing the bad pathogens they may occurr in the juice when it expires in its natural state in 5 to 7 days, but at that same time you are killing all the good bacteria as well. Your body needs both those bacterias, the bad builds up your immunity and the good bacteria is amazing for your gut. Conclusion: HPP is only about profit, its about prolong the shelf life of the juice to make it easier for companies and it has nothing nothing at all to do with your health.
The sterile alternative to actual RAW juice is not what you should use when doing a juice cleanse. Point of a juice is feast your cells on all the live enzymes and raw nutrients and the amazing gut flora. All these are destroyed when you HPP. Live enzymes die withing 5 days of a raw juice and they CANT be prolonged. The only thing HPP is prolonging is companies making money of you drinking sugar water. Because once those live enzymes are dead than that juice becomes all sugar. One of live enzymes million job is to break down that sugar and if they are no longer there than all that is left is sugar.

Remember there is no law right now in Canada or even the USA that makes companies tell the truth. So here clues to look for.

So how do you know if a juice that is claiming to be raw is actually HPP?

1- you can not HPP glass bottles. The high pressure process can only be done on juice in plastic bottles. So if juice is in plastic it’s 99.9 percent HPP.
2- Its sold at big chains like whole foods, planet organic, drug stores, loblaws, Rabba, sobeys, Metro, Walmart, and Costco. It’s all about big stores making profit. No big grocery chain is going to carry a juice that will be expired in 5 days, so a shelf life of 45 to 90 days is perfect for them and perfect for the juice company as well since nothing will go in the garbage.
3- Companies that hpp their juice will never tell you the day it was juiced and bottled and if they are not sold in stores they don’t have to tell you expiry date either. In the grocery stores Its the law for them to put expiry date. Check the expiry date and remember a RAW juice does not and can not last more than 5 to 7 days. If it does its no longer raw and has been processed.
4- Look at the bottle itself. HPP is very watery because the fiber is lost with the hpp process. Look for the separation that happens in the juice. If a juice claims it has 8 different leafy greens and apple in it, 45 percent of the bottle should be separated between the water and the fiber. If I confused you I apologize. Raw juice separates when it sits there, its a natural state and it tells you how much fiber is in the juice. I know many think that raw juice does not have fiber, they are wrong.

7 Habits Affecting Your Gut Health

imageThe gut, our second brain. Now recognized by many health practitioners to be the root cause of disease, and where healing starts.

Science has now recognized why gut health is so important, and it’s called the microbiome. The microbiome is filled with beneficial bacteria that have a vital link to health and disease, and can be influenced by your diet and lifestyle. We are 10 times more microorganisms than we are human cells, and the majority of them are found in the microbiome. Here are 7 habits that might be affecting the health of your microbiome and harmful to your gut.

1. Poor Diet
What and how you eat influences your microbiome’s health. If you eat a diet that is rich in nutrition and easily digestible, you will feel energetic and alive because your microbiome is thriving. If you eat a processed diet containing bad fats and high in sugar, and you eat it in 2 minutes while rushing out the door, you will most likely have poor absorption of the little nutrition in the foods, be acidic, feel tired and sick, and your microbiome will flourish with bad bugs.

Follow a few of these tips in your diet to improve your gut health:
• Remove processed foods
• Eat an alkalized diet full of greens
• Eat live foods such as sprouts, as they contain live enzymes and beneficial bacteria
• Limit sugar, as sugar fuels the bad bacteria.
• Increase your fiber from whole food sources such as beans, vegetables, and gluten-free
• Remove foods that aggravate the gut e.g. dairy, gluten, MSG)
• Chew your food to improve digestion

2. Antibiotics and Medications
With our first line of help when we are sick being the local doctor, we are prescribed antibiotics for common illness such as earaches and even viruses without knowing the repercussions. Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria, as do most pharmaceutical medications. If you take daily medication, or antibiotics more than once a year, you will need to replenish your good bacteria through fermented foods and probiotic supplements.

3. The Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP)
A daily dose is needed to have the effect. However, over time it wreaks havoc on your gut. The OCP depletes your B12, folate and zinc levels, and kills off beneficial bacteria. Now think of 10 years of taking the pill, and how good your gut might be thereafter! A break from the pill, or focusing on a gut-healthy diet will help support long-term use if you must remain on the pill.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol kills off the good bacteria in our gut, changes the ecosystem of our digestion, and also increases acidity. Alcohol furthermore increases intestinal permeability, meaning foreign agents and partially digested food enter through the gut and create an immune response that leads to inflammation. Intestinal permeability also means less nutrient absorption, thus causing a lack of vital nourishment to the cells in your body.

5. Obsession with Cleanliness
Have you got a hand sanitizer in your handbag or an antimicrobial hand wash at every sink in the house? Well, the overuse of antibacterial and antimicrobial agents might not actually be doing you good. Over-sanitization causes a lack of exposure to the bugs that help create immunity.

6. A Diet Low in Fermented Foods
Where do we get our good bacteria? Well, at birth we are exposed to them when we come through the vaginal birth canal, and then again from breast milk. After this time, we need to eat our bacteria in the form of fermented foods. If your diet is lacking yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, or miso, you could be missing some of the most important foods for your microbiome to thrive well and most likely need to increase these foods to make sure you are replenishing your vital beneficial bacterial.

7. Stress
When we stress, blood rushes away from our digestive tract and goes to our vital organs to help fuel us if we need to fight or flee. The digestive response is not needed if we are to fight a tiger, so it partially shuts down. Long term stress means a lack of blood supply to your digestive tract and also a lack of gastric secretions, leading to poor gut health. To combat the effects of stress, try taking a few deep breaths, deep in your belly, to reverse the stress response.

Are You Juicing Yet? You should?

11224148_856103724496775_1887734345445985447_n1800 831 9028

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables. Most commercial juices are processed and lacking in nutrition while freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are loaded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Drinking fresh juice can help us adopt healthier eating patterns. For those of us who do not traditionally consume many fruits and vegetables, incorporating fresh juice can be a fun and different approach to increasing consumption of these important plant foods for improved health and wellness and reaching your weight loss goals.

Our Alfalfa Raw Juice Called POWER

Alfalfa, ginseng, kale, orange, pineapple

Alfalfa in Arabic means “The king of all foods.”

Not only does the alfalfa plant contain a full spectrum of important vitamins, but it is also loaded with extremely important minerals such as biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, and many others.

Alfalfa is rich in protein as well as vitamins A, C and K. It is a nutritious whole food, packed with antioxidants and minerals including magnesium, calcium and iron. Heavy in phytoestrogens, alfalfa is used in the treatment of menopause symptoms to combat estrogen deficiency. It is also a popular tonic for flushing the body of toxins.

Cookie Cutter Cleanse Is NOT for You

11224148_856103724496775_1887734345445985447_nDaily weekly monthly and yearly we ignore our bodies signals and warning signs.
Headaches, acne, foggy, dryness, depression, mood swings, menstrual pains, weight gain, bloating , lower back pain, migraines, skin rashes and so on and so on.

All these is your body telling you “pay attention something is not right in here”.

Let us help tailor and formulate a juice feasting cleanse to help your body. We have over 900 kinds of juices that we use to put your juice cleanse together. No matter the amount of days you choose, we ensure that your juices change daily and that you receive all the nutrients your body needs.

Your not a cookie cutter person and your cleanse should not be either.

1800 831 9028

October Juice Cleanse Special

Order 3 or 5 day juice cleanse formulated to your health and receive an extra free on us.

If you order 3 days you will 4th day added on us.
If you order 5 days you will get 6th day free on us.
Let us help you get back on track.

We deliver to GTA for free. Check if we deliver to your home for free.
1800 831 9028
Or order online

Ready To Feel Better?

1Do you want to feel better and look great? Are you ready to get back to a healthier you and adopt a healthier lifestyle? If you are serious about a healthy lifestyle, you can start by giving your body the time, energy and nutrients to heal and detox itself. Whether as routine maintenance or a kick start to a new you, a tailored juice cleanse will help you achieve a better, cleaner body and a younger, brighter appearance. Imagine a juice cleanse program that’s designed just for your health and body.
1800 831 9028.

We deliver for free to toronto, mississauga, oakville, burlington, brampton, Richmond hill, vaughan, woodbridge, markham. And extra delivery charges for other areas

Is there A perfect Time to Cleanse?

IMG_6815Is there a perfect time to do a juice cleanse?

Change of every season is a great time to do a juice cleanse.
Start with changing your eating for just a few days with a 3 to 10 day juice cleanse , it is remarkable what positive transformation will follow.

The romance of unhealthy foods is powerful, as evidenced by the 65 percent of Americans who struggle daily with being overweight and obese. But it is essential to break the cycle of dependence on saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and excess caffeine and alcohol.
Here are 15 significant health enhancements you can obtain with the just a 3 day juice cleanse:
1) Rest the stomach
2) Rest and repair the gut.
3) Rest the liver.
4) reduce your appetite
5) eases food decision making
6) Eliminates harmful foods.
7) Floods our body with super nutrition.
8) loose fat cells
9) Improves energy
10) Rehydrate the body
11) reduced physicals pains and symptoms
12) allows maximum detoxification
13) heals your cells
14) reduced inflammation
15) balances your ph

How do You start Our Cleanse

juice1How does our cleanse work?
How are we different ?

First decision is how many days you want to do. A good beginning is 3 to 5 days. The longer you cleanse the deeper your body will dig in to remove toxins, sludge and balance your ph.

Once you order you will receive a questionnaire from us thru email. This consists of 40 questions. They are detailed and will help the nutritionists design the cleanse for you.

What do we mean by designing. We don’t have just have 20 juices we have over 900 kinds. We are not all the same, there is no one size fits all cleanse with us.

The nutritionist analyze your questionnaire and put together the juices that will your body.
Your juices will change daily.
You will get daily delivery in glass bottles.

Your juices will be different than other cleansers. With over 900 plus kinds of raw juices the nutritionist main objective is to give you the best blends for your health and lifestyle.

Enjoy your juices and keep us updated on how you feel. Your cleanse can be altered daily if your detox symptoms are severe.

Every night before you go to bed you will leave the empty glass bottles and cooler outside your door. Our driver will exchange the coolers daily. We deliver between 2am and 8am everyday.

If you live outside our free delivery zones we would deliver 2 to 4 days at a time to you. Make sure to ask us about delivery costs to your area.

1800 831 9028

Health Is An Investment


When we learn to eat properly, we begin to rebuild our bodies and to fulfill our purpose on this planet: to grow in health, creativity, wisdom and compassion. Dr. Ann Wigmore

Start each meal with raw vegetables or greens to ensure you get plentiful supply of enzyme rich foods to increase your enzyme reserve.

?#?Didyouknow? live enzymes help reserve the aging process, increase beauty and help us loose weight.

Recharge Your Battery with a Shot of Wheatgrass


The right fuel for our body

Wheatgrass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has about 20% of total calories coming from protein. This protein is in the form of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that the body uses more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues.

When it is consumed fresh it is a living food and has bio-electricity. This high vibration energy is literally the life force within the living juice. This resource of life-force energy can potentially unleash powerful renewing vibrations and greater connectivity to one’s inner being. These powerful nutrients can also prevent DNA destruction and help protect us from the ongoing effects of pre-mature aging and cellular breakdown. Recent research shows that only living foods and juices can restore the electrical charge between the capillaries and the cell walls which boosts the immune system. When it is fresh, ?wheatgrass? ??juice? is the king of living juices


What is Chlorophyll?

chlorophyll2 Giving plants their green color is a natural compound known as chlorophyll. Utilizing light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide to glucose, chlorophyll plays a vital role in plant energy production. Research has found that this substance not only sustains plant life but has profoundly beneficial effects on human health as well.
The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of hemoglobin, the substance that transports oxygen in the bloodstream. Consuming chlorophyll rich fruits and vegetables improves the efficiency of oxygen transport in the body, which works to thin the blood and, in turn, helps prevent clotting and heart disease. Taking chlorophyll enhances any exercise program because the body requires oxygen to develop muscles and burn fat.
Chlorophyll exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and anti0viral activity and serves as an effective chelation agent, removing toxic heavy metals such as mercury from the body. Studies have observes the ability of this substance to aid in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Due to its antibacterial properties, many individuals with bad breath and body odor use chlorophyll mouthwashes or baths for relief.
As with other beneficial nutrients found in whole foods, juicing maximizes the absorption of chlorophyll. Some of the best sources of this rejuvenating substance including asparagus, romain, collard, swiss chard, arugula, bok choy, barley grass, chlorella, collard greens, kale, leeks, parsley, spirulina and wheatgrass.chlorophyll1

Raw Food and Weight- Loss

IMG_3567Processed foods as well as animal and dairy products are acidic foods. The more
acidic the foods you consume the more probe you are to health threats ranging from
obesity, to diabetes to cancer and anything in between. An alkaline diet helps to
get rid of the toxins and acidic wastes in your body. Much of this waste is trapped
in the boy fat, so when these toxins are released , body fat is released as well.
This makes raw food diet more efficient than any other dietary programs that allow
intake if processed and cooked foods.
Another factor that contributes to the weight loss effect is that raw food diet is
nutritionally dense. When you crave for food it’s not actually the food that you are
craving for but the nutrients. Essential vitamins and minerals are stripped off
during food processing. You will notice that the more processed food you eat, the
more the cravings you will have. This is less likely to happen if you shot to eating
raw food.
The majority of raw foods belong to the low glycemic index. Which means that these
food release glucose more slowly and steadily. Just like nutritionally dense food,
low GI foods lessen your chances if craving and overrating.
Raw foods are the least calorie dense foods. Meaning you can consume more foods
without gaining weight, this is more true I you eat raw fruits and vegetables.
Because these foods are high in fiber, you feel fuller longer and you love your
bowels more regularly.
Weight-loss is not just a matter of how much you eat and how often you excessive.
Environmental toxins also play an important role. These toxins can interfere in many
of your body’s functions like digestion and metabolism. The raw food diet itself is a
cleansing diet. It helps flush away toxins that cause problems with your digestion,
metabolism and absorption of nutrients.
If all body processes, it’s digestion that consumes most of your energy. Raw foods
are easier to digest and they provide more energy for other body processed
inculcating detoxification. This does contribute to weight loss.

The Healing Power of Grapefruit!

The Healing Power of Grapefruit!

the "White Pith" of the grapefruit is very valuable, bio available Vitamin C (bioflavinoids) and a fantastic anti-cancer nutrient.

Our Adrenals need Vitamin C more than any other organ of the body. Usable Vitamin C such as Citrus is almost a daily must to get into our diets.

Acidity: Grapefruit has a sub-acid taste, however its juice actually has an alkaline reaction after digestion. This applies as well, with Lemons and Limes, Plumellos.

Diabetics can eat Grapefruit!

Grapefruit can help increase the body's sensitivity to blood glucose. While this seems bad, it is actually quite the opposite. A diabetic has increased resistance to blood glucose and therefore contracts the disease. If the body increases their sensitivity to blood glucose, they can also stave off some of the symptoms or effects of diabetes. This is one of the greatest grapefruit benefits that you will find from a fruit that has a whole lot of grapefruit benefits.

Breast cancer: Bioflavonoids found in grapefruit was discovered to even halt cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer patients, by ridding the body of excess estrogen.

The fibers from Grapefruits can benefit good colon health, especially the pith from the Grapefruits. So this is why I eat, almost daily, one Grapefruit before I do anything. Red Ruby are my favorite.

Pregnant woman: The bioflavonoids and vitamin C help to reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Another reason why to juice the Grapefruits, because the bio-availability from the Pith is magnificent when juiced along with the Grapefruit.

Weight-loss: This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. It is widely consumed by people who are trying to lose weight.

Start every morning with a cleansing tonic

"Start every morning with a cleansing tonic. To improve digestion and heal the liver which naturally cleanses the body.

Both these juices have one coming powerhouse: Broccoli. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (kale, arugula, watercress, cabbage, mustard greens, bok choy, cauliflower, maca, radish, rutabaga, daikon, Brussels sprouts, collard greens).

Detoxification is a 3-step process: Activation, neutralization, and elimination. "Broccoli contains three glucosinolate phytonutrients that work synergistically to assist the body in detoxing in all three phases.

Brok power:
Broccoli, kale, romaine, lemon cucumber

Carrot, lemon, ginger, broccoli, celery