Eckhart Tolle believes we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. Perhaps this explains why we often hold onto our pain far beyond its ability to serve us.
We replay past mistakes over and over again in our head, allowing feelings of shame and regret to shape our actions in the present. We cling to frustration and worry about the future, as if the act of fixation somehow gives us power. We hold stress in our minds and bodies, potentially creating serious health issues, and accept that state of tension as the norm.
There will never be a time when life is simple. There will always be time to practice accepting that. Every moment is a chance to let go and feel peaceful. .
Juice Feasting Cleanse is Great For You
Why is it always a good time to do a juice feasting cleanse?
Floods your body with super nutrition. Being on an all-produce diet gives us not only the vitamins and minerals but the all-important phytonutrients that are powerhouses for the clean-up and healing process. Juices are by nature raw foods — and retain nutrients that would be destroyed by cooking, including some B vitamins and especially (digestive and anti-inflammatory) enzymes.
As you are feeling better and having more energy, you also naturally lose weight. Some of this is water bloat, but also some is fat. A juice cleanse (three days minimum) is a great way to jump start a diet. The longer you do the better. It not only helps control appetite and cravings, but is naturally lower in calories, while supplying the body with probably more concentrated beneficial energizing and healing nutrients than it has seen before.
Cashew Mylk Heaven
Delicately sweet yet healthy and delicious cashew nut is packed with energy, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for robust health.
Not only are cashews one of the best-tasting and most versatile nuts there is, but they also come loaded with health benefits. Cashews nutrition benefits include the ability to improve heart health, support healthy brain functioning, and improve digestion and nutrient absorption. Plus, they even be able to help you lose weight.
Yoga and Meditation
Performed with the proper attitude, each of our everyday actions can be an asana, each breath a pranayama, each thought (or space between two successive thoughts) a seed for meditation.
We may have been gifted with the life-enhancing tool of yoga, but for what reason? The clue is in the Sanskrit word yoga itself, which as you no doubt have heard means “union.” For our purposes, though, it might be better to define it as “wholeness,” a word etymologically related to both healthy and holy. So why do we really practice yoga? Because life wants us to be whole in the widest and truest sense of the word.
Do You Drink Lemon Water? Time to Get Started
A glass of lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fibre. It also has medicinal values and antibacterial properties.
16 Health Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water
1- Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies
2-Lemons contain pectin fibre which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial
3- It balances to maintain the pH levels in the body
4- Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins
5- It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile
6- It is also a great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
7- helps prevent the growth of bacteria that cause infections and diseases
8- It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid
9- It helps when you are sick and coming down with a cold.
10- The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells
11- It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute
12- It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver In case of a heartburn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief
13- It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne
14- It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems
15- Aids in the production of digestive juices
16- Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session
Get on the lemon water bandwagon, Its a habit that should be done daily, especially right when you wake up.
How much lemon to put in your water?
squeeze or juice one lemon and add to 1 litre of water. ENJOY.
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Our Fresh weekly delivery of aloe Vera.
Benefits of Aloe Vera
1. Aloe Vera Is High in Vitamins & Minerals:
Aloe Vera is also one of the few plants that contains vitamin B12.
2. Aloe Vera is High in Amino Acids & Fatty Acids.
Aloe has 20 amino acids, with all 8 essential amino acids. Aloe vera also includes quite an impressive range of fatty acids. Aloe contains three plant sterols, which are important fatty acids – HCL cholesterol , campesterol, and B-sitosterol.
3. Aloe Vera is an Adaptogen.
Aloes power as an adaptogen balances the body’s system, stimulating the defence and adaptive mechanisms of the body. This allows you an increased ability to cope with stresses of environment.
4. Aloe Helps with Digestion.
Aloe soothes & cleanses digestive tract & improves digestion. because aloe is an adaptogen, it helps with constipation or diarrhea, helping to regulate elimination cycles. It’s great for people irritable bowel syndrome & acid reflux. Aloe also helps to decrease the amount of unfriendly bacteria in our gut keeping intestinal flora in balance.
5. Aloe Helps in Detoxification
Aloe Vera is a gelatinous plant food, just like chia seeds. The main benefit to consuming gelatinous plant foods in your diet is that these gels move through the intestinal tract absorbing toxins along the way and get eliminated through the colon.
6. Aloe Alkalizes the Body.
7. Cardiovascular Health.
8. Aloe Helps Boost the Immune System. The polysaccharides in aloe vera juice stimulate macrophages, which are the white blood cells of your immune system that fight against viruses.
9. “Don’t put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t eat!” Aloe increases the elasticity of the skin making it more flexible through collagen and elastin repair. It helps supply oxygen to the skin cells, increasing the strength & synthesis of skin tissue & induces improved blood flow to the skin through capillary dilation.
10. Aloe vera is a: Disinfectant, Anti-biotic, Anti-microbial, Germicidal, Anti-bacterial, Anti-septic, Anti-fungal & Anti-viral.
11. Aloe Helps Reduce Inflammation.
Aloe Vera contains 12 substances, including B-sisterole, which slows down inflammation.
One Therapeutic Benefit Of Hemp Seeds
Here is what we know about the therapeutic benefits of hemp. Excellent 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote cardiovascular health. High in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid found in borage oil and egg yolks that has been proven to naturally balance hormones.
Are You Juicing Yet? You should?
1800 831 9028
Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables. Most commercial juices are processed and lacking in nutrition while freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are loaded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
Drinking fresh juice can help us adopt healthier eating patterns. For those of us who do not traditionally consume many fruits and vegetables, incorporating fresh juice can be a fun and different approach to increasing consumption of these important plant foods for improved health and wellness and reaching your weight loss goals.
Hemp Seeds and The Amazing Health Benefits for You
Raw shelled hemp seed is one of nature’s perfect foods – a Super Food. This is one of the most potent foods available, supporting optimal health and well being, for life. Raw hemp provides a broad spectrum of health benefits, including: weight loss, increased and sustained energy, rapid recovery from disease or injury, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, reduced inflammation, improvement in circulation and immune system as well as natural blood sugar control.
Hemp seeds are the perfect 1/3 oil and 1/4 protein for cellular health and energy
-Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids vital for optimal health. Hemp Protein contains all 20 Amino Acids including the 9 Essential Amino Acids. There are 9 essential amino acids that your body can not produce on its own and hemp has them all. If you don’t consume foods rich in these essential amino acids, your health will be compromised. Amino acids work as a building block of proteins. Essential amino acids (contained in hemp) are the most digestible in the world. Hemp also contains vitamin A, E and D, and many B vitamins, sodium, calcium, dietary fiber and iron.
-Hemp Seeds are one of the best vegetable sources of protein. The proteins contained in hemp are similar to proteins in the human body. Thus, hemp provides the right amount of amino acids to help our bodies produce protein. Hemp protein consists of globulins (edestin) and albumin. Approximately 65% of the protein in hemp seeds is made up of the globulin protein Edestin and is found only in hemp seeds.
-Hemp is one of the world’s most potent natural sources of magnesium. Around 75% of people in America are Magnesium deficient. Being one of the most vital minerals, it is responsible for over 300 different biochemical reactions which are essential for your body to function properly. 1/2 cup of hemp seeds contains 92% of your daily value of magnesium.
-Hemp contains the perfect ratio of omega fatty acids; three omega3 to 1-omega6. Omega-6 is only beneficial for our bodies if the ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 is 3 to 1. As a nation, we do not consume enough of these. The current ratio in America is at 50:1.
Hemp seeds have a very mild, nutty flavor. As with the other seeds, they’re good in hot or cold cereals, smoothies, and soups, or just sprinkled on salads, casseroles, noodle dishes, or cooked grains. Hemp oil has a strong “grassy” flavor that, though an acquired taste, affords the same benefits and can be used in place of olive oil in cold dishes like salads, but not for cooking.
Enjoy or Hemo Mylk pictured below, or our many raw food meals containing Hemp seeds and hemp oil.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Yoga is an integral approach made of eight limbs (Ashtanga) working together in harmony for a single purpose of promoting wellness in you.
Can you imagine a life filled with wrong personal and social conduct, ruled by the five senses, and only guided by the emotions? Can you imagine this life producing peace, health, and happiness? You cannot! It is not possible. The emotions are a good servant but not a good master. The intellect is the master and must take charge.
Imagine your body as a chariot, your intellect as a chariot driver, your mind as the reins, your five senses as the five horses drawing the chariot, and your desires as the roads you travel on. Your intellect must at all times be in control of the reins (mind) and direct the horses (senses) to keep the chariot on the right roads (desires) for creating wellness. Otherwise, five horses (your five senses) running wild and out of control would drive the chariot (body) on the wrong roads, creating disease and unhappiness.
Try to understand that yoga is more than just physical exercises. When you practice all eight limbs of yoga, including right thoughts, words, actions, social behavior, physical exercises, self-control of vital life forces, and self-control of mind with vigilant intellect, then you unite your spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical components all behind one single purpose, and that is wellness!
Guide to Downward Dog Yoga Pose
Yoga Sequence For Thursday october 14, 2015
Recharge Your Battery with a Shot of Wheatgrass
The right fuel for our body
Wheatgrass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has about 20% of total calories coming from protein. This protein is in the form of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that the body uses more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues.
When it is consumed fresh it is a living food and has bio-electricity. This high vibration energy is literally the life force within the living juice. This resource of life-force energy can potentially unleash powerful renewing vibrations and greater connectivity to one’s inner being. These powerful nutrients can also prevent DNA destruction and help protect us from the ongoing effects of pre-mature aging and cellular breakdown. Recent research shows that only living foods and juices can restore the electrical charge between the capillaries and the cell walls which boosts the immune system. When it is fresh, ?wheatgrass? ??juice? is the king of living juices
Who is Raw Juice Guru?
Who is Raw Juice Guru?
Raw food eatery & Juice bar 7am-3pm.
We have been Delivering Tailored juice feast cleanses, raw food cleanses and raw food meal delivery packages Since 2012 to all of southern ontario cities and towns.
We bottle 900 Organic coldpressed nohpp Gmofree Juices.
We craft the most organic and healthy raw food, desert & smoothies.
We created a line of raw juice and treats just for children called “little Juice Guru” in 2013.
We are more than just a juice cleanse company. We want to show you how easy and healthy it is to incorporating more raw food can be. And how half your plate needs to contain raw food. How amazing you will feel including one or two raw juices a day. How detoxifying a wheatgrass elixir can be.
It all starts at the root. Let us help.
1800 831 9028
Why Juice?
There are many reasons why we should all juice. Today I will be talking about just 3 of those reasons.
1) It contains protein
2) Its full of Live enzymes
3) It gives you energy
Many are surprised to discover greens are one of the best sources of instantly absorbable, alkaline protein. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and green veggies are loaded with these muscle building nutrients. How do you think cows get their amino acids, magnesium, calcium and other muscle and bone building nutrients? FROM GREENS! They eat the green grass that contains all the phyto-nutrients we need to flourish. So, cut out the middle man and go straight to the source- EAT YOUR GREENS.
I have read so many articles that say meat is the best source of protein out there, its so false. Yes they contain alot of Grams of protein but what your body absorbs is a completely different ball game. Your body will only absorb 20 percent of that protein.
Raw Juice is also full of live enzymes. Food enzymes help make the digestion of food possible. All of natures uncooked and processed foods are full of enzymes. Its what gives us life and health. Live enzymes have a million and one functions, and there are many different kinds of live enzymes. Raw food and raw juice are living foods, they are life. But once you cook your food, they are gone. Enzymes are destroyed at temps over 115 F.
If you want Raw energy without the crash, raw juice is your answer. Coffee is not only acidic in your body but it is also one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops around.
Raw juices are liquid nutrition that your body drinks up almost immediately. Enjoy the rich infusion of nutrients.
Is There Fiber In Raw Juice?
You have all asked is there fibre in our raw juice? Yes. The separation you see in picture that 80 percent is the fiber. And this juice is apple, cucumber, parsley, cilantro, kale, lemon.
You can always tell the amount of fiber in any raw juice you buy by this separation. It also varies on the kind of juicer you use. We use the best cold pressed juicers to give your body the best amount of live enzymes, nutrients and fiber.
It was also thought that the juice had no fiber. Juicing got a bad rap in the early nineties because it was thought that the juice lacked fiber. But that assertion was simply not true; only the insoluble fiber is removed in the juicing process, and it’s loaded with soluble fiber, which is excellent for the intestinal tract.
There are 2 main types of fiber in fruits and vegetables. There is insoluble and soluble.
We all get enough insoluble, the problem is we are not getting enough soluble because it’s harder for our bodies to break down. Because of the food choices we make. When you remove the insoluble fiber and are left with the fluid part of the fruits and vegetables, it allows easier assimilation and absorption of vitamins, minerals & other important phytonutrients across the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber slows down absorption of many micronutrients, so basically juicing is fast tracking our nutrients.
In the past it was thought when juicing fruits and vegetables, a significant amount of nutrients remained in the fiber of fruits and vegetables, but that theory has been disproved. The Department of Agriculture analyzed twelve fruits and found that 90% of the antioxidant activity was in the raw juice rather than the fiber.
The recommended fiber intake for adults is between 20 and 35g per day, but the average Persona daily intake of dietary fiber is only 14 to 15 grams. It is easy to double that by juicing once each day. You can drink 2-3 lbs of veggies in one juicing, where it would be next to impossible to eat that amount in a meal.
Start every morning with a cleansing tonic
Both these juices have one coming powerhouse: Broccoli. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (kale, arugula, watercress, cabbage, mustard greens, bok choy, cauliflower, maca, radish, rutabaga, daikon, Brussels sprouts, collard greens).
Detoxification is a 3-step process: Activation, neutralization, and elimination. "Broccoli contains three glucosinolate phytonutrients that work synergistically to assist the body in detoxing in all three phases.
Brok power:
Broccoli, kale, romaine, lemon cucumber
Carrot, lemon, ginger, broccoli, celery