Roots Of Western Medicine

Western medicine largely adheres to the doctrines of the French Scientist Louis Pasteur, who lived from 1822 to 1895. Pasteur’s theories were based on the theory of “germ warfare”, which basically hypothesizes that the germs from the outside are what makes us sick and create disease. Based on and because of this idea is why pretty much all beverages and many foods sold in grocery stores today have been pasteurized, or heated to very high temperatures to destroy any potential harmful germs.

But Pasteur has a little known contemporary and intellectual adversary: fellow french scientist Antione Beauchamp, who lived from 1816 to 1908. Beauchamp believed the exact opposite. His theory was based on the the idea that “the terraine is everything”. In other words, it is not just the germs from outside that cause illness, but a compromised immune system or some predisposing characteristic that allows the germs to flourish in the body and cause illness. For instance, why is it that two people get coughed on directly in the face by same person on subway, but only one person gets the flu? Dr. Robert Young gives a great analogy to this by pointing out that is you throw seeds on concrete, they cannot grow. But if you throw the seeds on fertile soil, they grow and flourish. Same goes for germs and sickness.

Dr.T.Colin Campbell’s findings in The China Study support Beauchamp’s theories and also brings back what the founding fathers of medicine had said back 431 B.C, “Let food by thy medicine and medicine by they food”. Campbell discussed how when two experimental groups were exposed to the same amount of a carcinogenic substance, the group consuming the higher levels of animal protein and dairy was the one that developed diseases such as cancer, and the group consuming the lower level of these foods did not. As Beauchamp theorized, the first group had the right “terrain” for sickness to develop.

Under Beauchamp’s theory, we can hypothesize that there really is only one disease: an acidic body that releases acidic waste and toxins, compromising immunity. The body then becomes fertile terrain for sickness, disease and harmful bacteria and germs. All the various diseases are symptoms of general toxicity in the body, but not the root cause itself. So cancer, diabetes or any named disease is not the root cause, its that the body itself is acidic causing inflammation and that causes diseases varying on where the weakness in your body is.

This is why at institutions like the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute and the Hippocrates Health Institute, there are many cases where symptoms of diseases such as cancer subside when clients are put on a raw plant based diet and juice feasting cleanses. These institutions do not perform chemotherapy or radiation on specific areas of the body, but rather treat the body holistically and work to raise the alkalinity of the entire body. As Renowned food expert and journalist Michael Pollan said in 2007 “Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants”.

Of-course, we can see how Pasteur’s theory is much more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry as pill after pill in introduced to cure something or another, as flu shots and more vaccinations are introduced, as radiation, chemotherapy and other cancer drugs, penicillin, other antibiotics and the like make the industry trillions and trillions of dollars. That is not to say that some of these things don’t have an important purpose clearly some do and have saved lives, while others have not and have only made people sicker and sicker and sicker.

But if we keep our bodies clean of toxins and excessive waste, balanced at a more alkaline pH and keep our immunity strong, we may need these medicines far less and we ourselves may have much more control over our own health.

So how can you do that? EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Sounds simple doesn’t it. Raw Food scares people but dont let it, start slow and start today. Make half your consist of raw vegetables when you eat that piece of meat. Explore with salads, try zuchinni pasta instead. Raw Juice and juicing is one of those simple things you can start to do to help your body function at the capacity its meant to. Wether you have just one raw juice a day, juice cleanse or do a juice feasting cleanse your body will thank you.

The Raw Truth About Activated Charcoal

What is Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal has been used for thousands of years. Today, it’s even used in hospitals. When someone is poisoned, activated charcoal could help. It binds toxic chemicals like a sponge. Then it ushers those poisons out of the body. That got the health industry thinking: “If activated charcoal can suck up drugs and toxic chemicals, what else can it do?” As they found out, a lot! It has a ton of health-boosting benefits—but it also can be quite dangerous if consumed incorrectly.

Activated charcoal is a unique form of carbon that is oxidized at very high temperatures to give it a massive surface area and incredibly porous properties. Just 2 grams of activated charcoal has roughly the equivalent surface area of a football field.

It’s millions of microscopic pores have a strong negative charge, which attracts positively charged intestinal gases and toxins like a magnet. Because of this, activated charcoal can bind to and eliminate compounds many thousands of times its own weight.

Activated charcoal is an excellent gastrointestinal detoxifier that absorbs intestinal gas and a variety of other toxins as it passes through your system. It is also a particularly potent remedy for smelly flatulence as it binds to highly odorous compounds like hydrogen sulphide (the so-called rotten egg gas).

How to Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is perhaps the most powerful of all the known cures for intestinal gas and flatulence. It does have a problem though. It works too well.

If you typically drink more than one juice a day, only one should contain charcoal. Since activated charcoal can can bind to as much as 100 times its own weight, downing it in large doses can cause the detox process to become too harsh, flushing vital nutrients that are stored in fat tissues in the body. While the words “flushing” and “fat” in the same sentence are usually a good thing, in this case, it’s quite the opposite.

Timing of your charcoal cocktail is also key. Ideally, you should only sip activated charcoal and water three or four hours after your last meal. Throughout the day it’s vital to fuel the body with fruits and veggies which have the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients the body needs to stay healthy. Since activated charcoal is so absorbent, drinking it during the day or too close to a meal can interfere with the absorption of these nutrients.

Research has demonstrated that activated charcoal will pass harmlessly through your gastrointestinal tract, without being metabolized in any way. It does, however, absorb any positively charged substances it comes into contact with.

This is a good thing when it comes to toxins, as most are positively charged and are drawn to activated charcoal. Once bound to it, they are eliminated when you go to the toilet and can do no further damage in your body.

Unfortunately, beneficial substances like medications, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are also often positively charged. So now your asking “but wait my juice bar mixes charcoal with so many other ingredients so am I not absorbing those nutrients from the drink?” Answer NOPE.

This means that activated charcoal should not be taken anywhere near or with any food, prescription medicine, supplements and well away from any kind of food. So activated charcoal in water is all you need, mixing it with anything else is useless since all those nutrients will pass your body and not be absorbed, so your flushing your money down the toilet.

Charcoal can’t tell the difference between toxins, meds, vitamins and minerals. If there is something you have been prescribed by a doctor that is keeping you healthy and safe, do not under any circumstance drink charcoal.

Activated charcoal should be taken at least 2 hours before eating with a big glass of water. To be safe, make that 2 hours before taking any medications or supplements to be sure it doesn’t interfere with them.

For maximum effectiveness, activated charcoal also needs to be taken well after eating. 3 hours would be a minimum, with 4 hours recommended for a large meal. And always always drink a litre of water with it and after it so constipation does not occur.

Also be aware, if you do start taking activated charcoal in high doses, it will likely turn your stools grey or even black. This is harmless so don’t be concerned by it. In fact, it can be a helpful indicator of just how long food takes to travel through your digestive tract. Also taking activated charcoal wrong and too often will cause constipation and many ailements since it is stripping your body of all nutrients. so please take at maximum 2 times a week.

If a night of alcohol drinking leaves you feeling dead to the world, charcoal may help take you out of your misery but it’s not a craze that should be used as a hangover cure. Due to its strong cleansing properties, activated charcoal can help remove toxins from the liver and bloodstream after a long night of drinking. Keep in mind, however, that charcoal will not absorb any of the alcohol left in your system, so it won’t be of much assistance if you’re still feeling a bit tipsy the morning after your night out.

Green Juice Power…Let’s Get Juicing

This amazing juice is packed with chlorophyll, antioxidants, minerals and nutrient dense greens! The celery helps to infuse the body with magnesium and calcium to help soothe the nervous system and prepare the body for rest. Parsley and cucumber boost our immune system by flooding our body with nutrient dense chlorophyll, while ginger aids in digestive fire, helping to alleviate any stomach or intestinal issues.

Parsley is one of the best blood purifiers, and helps control blood cholesterol levels, constipation, gum and tooth issues and protects the body from harmful free radicals. Cucumber is a great natural diuretic and helps regulate body temperature and aids in cell hydration, waste removal and dissolves kidney stones. Celery is a natural appetite suppressant and has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is beneficial for respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma and can even help lower blood pressure up to 14% in hypertensive patients.

– 1 cucumber
– 2 limes (peel removed if non-organic)
– 2 cups spinach
– 1 bunch parsley
– 3 green apples
– 5 stalks celery
– 3-4 inches fresh ginger root

Juice the above ingredients in a juicer and enjoy!

Go ahead and get juicing!

Let’s Talk Juicing and Juice feasting cleanse

There are a number of benefits to doing a juice feasting cleanse and regular juicing. One of the main reasons this should be your new “habit” are the high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins , minerals, liver enzymes and phytonutrients that the body gets in one shot.

About 90% of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are found in their juices. Since it is a liquid, the body is able to absorb all of the nutrients much more quickly than actually eating the veggies and fruits. Plus, you’d have to eat quite a few veggies and fruits daily just to get a fraction of the nutrients you get from drinking on glass. It also makes a fast and easy snack that helps to quench that sweet tooth, and fill you up. It really helps with cravings and is quite filling.

One of the main things you will experience after juicing for awhile is the change in your palate, your Taste buds do change. Foods that aren’t organic or natural taste like processed junk just doesn’t taste right anymore. The artificial sweeteners used they use have a nasty aftertaste.

With natural raw organic juice, the sugar is fructose, a natural sugar your body can easily break down because it sees it as glucose. Glucose is a sugar that the body uses for energy, and everything we eat gets converted into this sugar. Fructose is a very similar molecule to glucose in its chemical makeup, so the body has less work to do. It also doesn’t have the acidic aftertaste caused by artificial sweeteners like saccharin.

Most of the foods we eat daily are riddled with preservatives, chemicals (like insecticides) and other toxins that can wreak havoc on our bodies. All of these chemicals and toxins create free radicals in our blood stream. Free radicals are responsible for the aging process, autoimmune diseases, and even cardiovascular disease.They cause cells to break down and die and slow the healing process considerably.

Antioxidants, phytonutrients and live enzymes are the antidote so to speak. Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients as vitamin E , vitamin C , magnesium, calcium, and many more among others. In raw organic juice form, these nutrients go straight into the blood stream and neutralize these free radicals preventing cell damage and death.

The fact that the body doesn’t have to work very hard to digest juice, allows the energy saved from the digestion process to be used for other essential activities like building muscle or clearing out toxins already in adipose tissue (fat cells).

Many people also notice that they have quite a bit more energy after they start juicing. I’m one of those people. My energy levels drastically increased after about the third day of juicing. Of course, the same effect when happen you consume more raw foods or go vegan. Animal products, specifically the animal protein casein, are very difficult to break down, taking up to 72 hours to digest, and they also create an acidic state in the body known as metabolic acidosis. This causes the body to strip calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidic state. This can cause osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

A juice feasting cleanses, or even just drinking it several times a day, and limiting your intake of animal products (or removing animal products all together) will allow the body to reverse this acidic state and start replenishing its calcium stores.

The juice feasting really jumpstarts the process of cleansing the body. It also helps you burn away all those fat stores. Many people do the it for three, five, or seven days. Some people go much longer, up to 60 days in some cases. These longer juice feasting cleanses are called reboots and they allow the body to burn fat, cleanse toxins and repair previous damage. Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before starting but any doctor with a nutrition background will tell you it wouldn’t be a problem and “you’re getting plenty of nutrients.”

The first three to 5 days are the hardest. You feel sluggish, and horrible. But this is the body “resetting.” Many suffer headaches and withdrawal from caffeine and sugar for the first few days or week it varies on the person.
But as the time goes on, all this changes. You’ll have a spring in your step, and you won’t feel loaded down by excess fat, salt and other toxins. You won’t have constipation; in fact you’ll be quite regular because of all the fiber.

This help to lower the risk of colon cancer, diabetes and many other diseases. Acidity and inflammation are the r
oot causes of all diseases. Feasting your cells with nutrients reduces inflammation and balances your pH.

New JalaPina Raw Juice and Benefits of Jalapenos

jalapeno1Don’t let this green juice fool you, it’ does have pineapple but the jalapeño will add a serious punch into your life. JalePina juice as available at both locations at Yonge and st Clair, as well as in the junction at Runnymede and Dundas.

Let’s talk jalapeno:

1. Weight loss: Peppers contain a chemical known as capsaicin, which is actually what gives peppers their hot properties. Capsaicin is also good for helping you lose weight. It literally burns away calories and fat.

2. Arthritis: Capsaicin acts as an anti-inflammatory, which makes it great for reducing swelling and pain in thosejalapeno who suffer from arthritis.

3. Cancer: the capsaicin found in peppers actually is able to kill some cancer cells, specifically prostate cancer cells. Does this mean a cure for cancer is just around the corner? We can always hope.

4. Headaches: The capsaicin in peppers blocks the neuropeptide known as Substance P, which is a main pain transmitter to the brain. What this means is that peppers can actually help to ease pain.

5. Nasal Congestion: The heat in peppers, again caused by capsaicin, clears the sinuses. It even helps to fight sinus infections by cleansing the airways.

6. Ulcers: Peppers kill bad bacteria in the stomach and intestines, and often this bacteria is what leads to stomach ulcers.

7. High Blood Pressure: Jalapenos are a chili pepper, and chili peppers commonly have lots of flavinoids, Vitamin C and Vitamin A that help Lower one’s blood pressure.

8. Fluid Loss: Too much fluid in the body is bad for the heart. fluid can build up around the heart, putting a strain on it and potentially damaging it. peppers cause you to sweat, and the more you sweat, the less fluid there is in your body.

9. Heart Attack: The peppers inhibit the buildup of fibrin in the body, and fibrin is a major ingredient for blood clots to form.

10. Anti-Oxidant Properties Because of the flavinoids and vitamins found in jalapeno peppers, these peppers are excellent anti-oxidants, which means they work within the bloodstream to help the body fight off and heal from damaging cells.

Seven Greens To include in Your Life

post33 percent of us meet the recommendation for fruit consumption, and fewer than 30 percent of adults eat the recommended servings of vegetables.
Although the amount of fruit and veggies you need varies, depending on age, gender, and how physically active you are. There is no one diet or one program that fits all.
The eating plan or cleanse you do needs to be tailored to you, customized and formulated to help your body.

So let’s talk about 7 greens that we should all try to eat more off.

1. Avocados:
This tasty fruit packs 690 mg of potassium making it the perfect after-workout snack to help fight muscle cramps. The healthy fats it has decreases inflammation and improves cholesterol levels.

2. Apples:
An apple a day really might help keep the doctor away. The crisp fruit helps fight obesity, lower cholesterol, reduce your risk of stroke, and stave off certain types of cancer. Of course, not all apples are green. The good news? These health benefits apply to red and yellow ones, too.

3. Kale:
kale is good for your bones, offering 24 mg of calcium per cup. It’s also rich in vitamin A, which keeps your skin healthy and may protect against some forms of cancer. Kale is a good source of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and could amp up your immune system to help your body fight off bugs. You can also get lots of vitamin K from kale, a nutrient essential for blood clotting.

4. Spinach:
Spinach is filled with vitamins C and A, and it offers more fiber than kale.

5. Nopales:
Nopales is a cactus plant, rich in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. It could also help lower your blood sugar.

6. Brussels sprouts:
These little veggies offer plenty of vitamins A and C. You can also get more than four grams of fiber per cup from them.

7. Pistachios:
Although not a fruit or a vegetable but they are green. pistachios offer serious health benefits. Just a quarter cup had more than 6 grams of protein. They also offer a healthy dose of filling fiber.

When to Juice Cleanse?

Every day is the perfect time for a detox! Start fresh, cleansed, and ready to take on 2016 with a tailored and formulated juice cleanse from @Rawjuiceguru, which is unlike any typical juice cleanse because we formulate juices to each client from over 900 raw juices. Our 900 juices have bio-available nutrients, live enzymes, boosters, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and the healing powers of earth, water and sun.

Your cleanse is not about going into starvation mode, but rebuilding your body and. digestive system to get you on track.
Don’t miss the holiday promo going on now too…

Promo ends December 31st, you have 6 months to book your cleanse once you buy it.

email cleanse or call 1800 831 9028 to order.

Our Alfalfa Raw Juice Called POWER

Alfalfa, ginseng, kale, orange, pineapple

Alfalfa in Arabic means “The king of all foods.”

Not only does the alfalfa plant contain a full spectrum of important vitamins, but it is also loaded with extremely important minerals such as biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, and many others.

Alfalfa is rich in protein as well as vitamins A, C and K. It is a nutritious whole food, packed with antioxidants and minerals including magnesium, calcium and iron. Heavy in phytoestrogens, alfalfa is used in the treatment of menopause symptoms to combat estrogen deficiency. It is also a popular tonic for flushing the body of toxins.

Why we should all consume Raw Juice?

IMG_4857Consuming Raw juices repairs cellular DNA and helps prevent cancer! 98% of your cells are replaced every year. When you rebuild your cells with high mineral content foods, you protect your body from free-radicals, diseases, viruses, infections, and more! Raw juices are filled with minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and powerful proteins. Make healthy habits now. We believe in REAL prevention, do you?

Respect how incredible your body is. Your body has the ability to heal itself and it will achieve it’s highest potential if we clear the way for it to do so. Clear out all the foreign junk and toxicity with a tailored organic coldpressed juice feasting cleanse

Only when we cleanse can the energy in our body be distributed to rebuild the beauty and lustrous qualities of skin and hair, add glitter in eye, firm up and tighten skin, give you loads amount of energy and clarity not to mention you allow your body to properly nourish and revive itself. By allowing your organs to function like they should
1800 831 9028

Nature Is The Answer

12079275_839975769442904_3709165707332905173_nOn a daily basis, we inhale, ingest, and absorb more toxins than out body can naturally eliminate. Detoxification involves multiple organs such as our kidneys, lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Our liver is the recycling center for our whole body, its essential and vital that its working at top speed. A juice cleanse helps our body do what its meant to do on a daily basis.

October Juice Cleanse Special

Order 3 or 5 day juice cleanse formulated to your health and receive an extra free on us.

If you order 3 days you will 4th day added on us.
If you order 5 days you will get 6th day free on us.
Let us help you get back on track.

We deliver to GTA for free. Check if we deliver to your home for free.
1800 831 9028
Or order online

Juice Cleanse Tailored to Your Health

spilledDon’t be sad over spilled wheatgrass.

When you do a juice feasting cleanse you ease the digestive process by replacing regular meals with delicious, organic, cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices. Consuming only coldpressed juices and powerful elixirs frees energy in the body, which can then return to the essential jobs of deep inner cleansing and healing.

When you feel better on the inside, you look better on the outside. Glowing skin, bright eyes, the disappearance of hard-to-lose pounds, as well as a newfound sense of optimism and enjoyment of life, are all common results of juice cleansing. Not to mention helps with inflammation and alkalizing your body, which is the number one causes of all diseases.

Let’s get you feasting.
Call or email 1800 831 9028 for our promotion of the month. We are here to help and answer a your questions.

We deliver for free to: toronto, mississauga, brampton, oakville, burlington, vaughan, woodbridge, Richmond hill, markham and scarborough. We deliver outside those area for extra charges

A shot a Day, The Powers of Wheatgrass

wheatgrass2 The power of daily wheatgrass shots.

Wheatgrass is the leaf of a young wheat plant. Today, it has become a popular health and diet food. It is considered the topnotch cleanser, builder, healer, protector and rejuvenator of health. Dr. Ann Wigmore was the 1st person to apply the benefits of wheatgrass juice to human health and since then, has helped many overcome health problems.

??wheatgrass? juice helps eliminate toxins stored in the body such as hardened mucous, crystallised fatty acids, fat deposits, calcification and solidified decaying fecal matter. The concentrated amount of selenium in wheatgrass juice is also vital to help purge the body of toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

Wheatgrass ?juice? contains all 21 minerals. Wheatgrass juice contains over 100 different elements and scientists have concluded that it is a complete food.

How do You start Our Cleanse

juice1How does our cleanse work?
How are we different ?

First decision is how many days you want to do. A good beginning is 3 to 5 days. The longer you cleanse the deeper your body will dig in to remove toxins, sludge and balance your ph.

Once you order you will receive a questionnaire from us thru email. This consists of 40 questions. They are detailed and will help the nutritionists design the cleanse for you.

What do we mean by designing. We don’t have just have 20 juices we have over 900 kinds. We are not all the same, there is no one size fits all cleanse with us.

The nutritionist analyze your questionnaire and put together the juices that will your body.
Your juices will change daily.
You will get daily delivery in glass bottles.

Your juices will be different than other cleansers. With over 900 plus kinds of raw juices the nutritionist main objective is to give you the best blends for your health and lifestyle.

Enjoy your juices and keep us updated on how you feel. Your cleanse can be altered daily if your detox symptoms are severe.

Every night before you go to bed you will leave the empty glass bottles and cooler outside your door. Our driver will exchange the coolers daily. We deliver between 2am and 8am everyday.

If you live outside our free delivery zones we would deliver 2 to 4 days at a time to you. Make sure to ask us about delivery costs to your area.

1800 831 9028

Health Is An Investment


When we learn to eat properly, we begin to rebuild our bodies and to fulfill our purpose on this planet: to grow in health, creativity, wisdom and compassion. Dr. Ann Wigmore

Start each meal with raw vegetables or greens to ensure you get plentiful supply of enzyme rich foods to increase your enzyme reserve.

?#?Didyouknow? live enzymes help reserve the aging process, increase beauty and help us loose weight.

New Juice Red Sea & Benefits of Fulvic & Humic Acid

Welcome to the 900+ raw juices we have what we call “Red Sea”.

This red potion is perfectly formulated With 6 powerful ingredients:
Coconut water, beets, ginger, Chaga, fulvic acid and Humic.

AVAILABLE In Store and onlineredsea

Let us focus on fulvic and Humic acid benefits today so you can see how powerful this juice is with just these 2 ingredients.

Fulvic acid benefits:

-Powerful anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger
-Anti-aging and rejuvenating
-Chelates heavy metals
-Removes radiation from your body
-Repairs DNA/regrows brain cells
-Transports nutrients into cells
-Powerful natural electrolyte
-Increases bio availability of nutrients and minerals
-Alkalizes and detoxifies blood
-Regenerates and hydrates cells

Humic acid Benefits:
• 80+ minerals
• Potent Anti viral properties
• Promotes bone regeneration
• Clinically proven anti-inflammatory
• Burns fat and builds muscle
• Immune boosting
• Hormone balancing
• Anti carcinogenic properties
• Protection from harmful chemicals
• Protects against asthma and bronchitis, fibromyalgia, auto immune disorders, diabetes and tuberculosis
• Clinically shown to Block all viruses, including HIV and Herpes viruses

Recharge Your Battery with a Shot of Wheatgrass


The right fuel for our body

Wheatgrass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has about 20% of total calories coming from protein. This protein is in the form of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that the body uses more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues.

When it is consumed fresh it is a living food and has bio-electricity. This high vibration energy is literally the life force within the living juice. This resource of life-force energy can potentially unleash powerful renewing vibrations and greater connectivity to one’s inner being. These powerful nutrients can also prevent DNA destruction and help protect us from the ongoing effects of pre-mature aging and cellular breakdown. Recent research shows that only living foods and juices can restore the electrical charge between the capillaries and the cell walls which boosts the immune system. When it is fresh, ?wheatgrass? ??juice? is the king of living juices


Turmeric Kick Elixir

Turmeric Kick: turmeric, ginger, water and apple cider vinegar.

This 1oz elixir packs a very powerful punch. It is an incredible cleanser and helps
things get moving internally.

Turmeric contains curcumin which has very high anti-inflammatory capabilities. Many
hail it for its ability to alleviate various ailments from joint pain to inflamed

Ginger is also an awesome immune-booster. It improves the absorption and
assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory
properties brings relief.

Apple cider vinegar is great for your gut and helps lower blood sugar. The main
substance in vinegar, acetic acid, can kill bacteria and/or prevent them from
multiplying and reaching harmful levels. Apple cider vinegar has shown to improve
insulin sensitivity and helping to lower blood sugar responses after meals.

Available in store today, incorporate it into your day

3325 Dundas street west, Runnymede and dundas in the junction. Toronto

Who is Raw Juice Guru?

IMG_4755Who is Raw Juice Guru?

Raw food eatery & Juice bar 7am-3pm.
We have been Delivering Tailored juice feast cleanses, raw food cleanses and raw food meal delivery packages Since 2012 to all of southern ontario cities and towns.

We bottle 900 Organic coldpressed nohpp Gmofree Juices.

We craft the most organic and healthy raw food, desert & smoothies.

We created a line of raw juice and treats just for children called “little Juice Guru” in 2013.

We are more than just a juice cleanse company. We want to show you how easy and healthy it is to incorporating more raw food can be. And how half your plate needs to contain raw food. How amazing you will feel including one or two raw juices a day. How detoxifying a wheatgrass elixir can be.

It all starts at the root. Let us help.
1800 831 9028

What is Chlorophyll?

chlorophyll2 Giving plants their green color is a natural compound known as chlorophyll. Utilizing light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide to glucose, chlorophyll plays a vital role in plant energy production. Research has found that this substance not only sustains plant life but has profoundly beneficial effects on human health as well.
The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of hemoglobin, the substance that transports oxygen in the bloodstream. Consuming chlorophyll rich fruits and vegetables improves the efficiency of oxygen transport in the body, which works to thin the blood and, in turn, helps prevent clotting and heart disease. Taking chlorophyll enhances any exercise program because the body requires oxygen to develop muscles and burn fat.
Chlorophyll exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and anti0viral activity and serves as an effective chelation agent, removing toxic heavy metals such as mercury from the body. Studies have observes the ability of this substance to aid in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Due to its antibacterial properties, many individuals with bad breath and body odor use chlorophyll mouthwashes or baths for relief.
As with other beneficial nutrients found in whole foods, juicing maximizes the absorption of chlorophyll. Some of the best sources of this rejuvenating substance including asparagus, romain, collard, swiss chard, arugula, bok choy, barley grass, chlorella, collard greens, kale, leeks, parsley, spirulina and wheatgrass.chlorophyll1

The Healing Power of Grapefruit!

The Healing Power of Grapefruit!

the "White Pith" of the grapefruit is very valuable, bio available Vitamin C (bioflavinoids) and a fantastic anti-cancer nutrient.

Our Adrenals need Vitamin C more than any other organ of the body. Usable Vitamin C such as Citrus is almost a daily must to get into our diets.

Acidity: Grapefruit has a sub-acid taste, however its juice actually has an alkaline reaction after digestion. This applies as well, with Lemons and Limes, Plumellos.

Diabetics can eat Grapefruit!

Grapefruit can help increase the body's sensitivity to blood glucose. While this seems bad, it is actually quite the opposite. A diabetic has increased resistance to blood glucose and therefore contracts the disease. If the body increases their sensitivity to blood glucose, they can also stave off some of the symptoms or effects of diabetes. This is one of the greatest grapefruit benefits that you will find from a fruit that has a whole lot of grapefruit benefits.

Breast cancer: Bioflavonoids found in grapefruit was discovered to even halt cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer patients, by ridding the body of excess estrogen.

The fibers from Grapefruits can benefit good colon health, especially the pith from the Grapefruits. So this is why I eat, almost daily, one Grapefruit before I do anything. Red Ruby are my favorite.

Pregnant woman: The bioflavonoids and vitamin C help to reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Another reason why to juice the Grapefruits, because the bio-availability from the Pith is magnificent when juiced along with the Grapefruit.

Weight-loss: This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. It is widely consumed by people who are trying to lose weight.