With only 8 ingredients, no oven and 15 minutes you can make these amazing raw vegan pistachios date clusters. They are vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, raw, and only naturally-sweetened. Also, they’re delicious.

Date Caramel

2 cups pitted dates
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup warm water
¼ cup + 2 tbsp raw shelled pistachios
1 tsp sea salt


¼ cup + 2 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder
2 tbsp cup coconut oil, liquid
1 tbsp maple syrup/agave/raw honey
2 tbsp crushed raw shelled pistachios, for topping.


-In a food processor, combine dates, warm water, ¼ cup and 2 tbsp pistachios, sea salt, and vanilla until a paste forms.
-Transfer paste to a foil-lined small 4×4 dish or square Tupperware. Spread evenly, cover, and freeze for 10 minutes.
-Meanwhile, combined cacao powder, liquid coconut oil, and maple syrup in a medium bowl with a whisk until homogenous.
-Remove pan from freezer and cut into squares. Dip each date square into the chocolate coating and sprinkle with remaining pistachios.
-Place each square on a lined baking sheet and return to freezer for 15 minutes.

Store in refrigerator.

And enjoy!!!

Let’s Talk Juicing and Juice feasting cleanse

There are a number of benefits to doing a juice feasting cleanse and regular juicing. One of the main reasons this should be your new “habit” are the high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins , minerals, liver enzymes and phytonutrients that the body gets in one shot.

About 90% of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are found in their juices. Since it is a liquid, the body is able to absorb all of the nutrients much more quickly than actually eating the veggies and fruits. Plus, you’d have to eat quite a few veggies and fruits daily just to get a fraction of the nutrients you get from drinking on glass. It also makes a fast and easy snack that helps to quench that sweet tooth, and fill you up. It really helps with cravings and is quite filling.

One of the main things you will experience after juicing for awhile is the change in your palate, your Taste buds do change. Foods that aren’t organic or natural taste like processed junk just doesn’t taste right anymore. The artificial sweeteners used they use have a nasty aftertaste.

With natural raw organic juice, the sugar is fructose, a natural sugar your body can easily break down because it sees it as glucose. Glucose is a sugar that the body uses for energy, and everything we eat gets converted into this sugar. Fructose is a very similar molecule to glucose in its chemical makeup, so the body has less work to do. It also doesn’t have the acidic aftertaste caused by artificial sweeteners like saccharin.

Most of the foods we eat daily are riddled with preservatives, chemicals (like insecticides) and other toxins that can wreak havoc on our bodies. All of these chemicals and toxins create free radicals in our blood stream. Free radicals are responsible for the aging process, autoimmune diseases, and even cardiovascular disease.They cause cells to break down and die and slow the healing process considerably.

Antioxidants, phytonutrients and live enzymes are the antidote so to speak. Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients as vitamin E , vitamin C , magnesium, calcium, and many more among others. In raw organic juice form, these nutrients go straight into the blood stream and neutralize these free radicals preventing cell damage and death.

The fact that the body doesn’t have to work very hard to digest juice, allows the energy saved from the digestion process to be used for other essential activities like building muscle or clearing out toxins already in adipose tissue (fat cells).

Many people also notice that they have quite a bit more energy after they start juicing. I’m one of those people. My energy levels drastically increased after about the third day of juicing. Of course, the same effect when happen you consume more raw foods or go vegan. Animal products, specifically the animal protein casein, are very difficult to break down, taking up to 72 hours to digest, and they also create an acidic state in the body known as metabolic acidosis. This causes the body to strip calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidic state. This can cause osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

A juice feasting cleanses, or even just drinking it several times a day, and limiting your intake of animal products (or removing animal products all together) will allow the body to reverse this acidic state and start replenishing its calcium stores.

The juice feasting really jumpstarts the process of cleansing the body. It also helps you burn away all those fat stores. Many people do the it for three, five, or seven days. Some people go much longer, up to 60 days in some cases. These longer juice feasting cleanses are called reboots and they allow the body to burn fat, cleanse toxins and repair previous damage. Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before starting but any doctor with a nutrition background will tell you it wouldn’t be a problem and “you’re getting plenty of nutrients.”

The first three to 5 days are the hardest. You feel sluggish, and horrible. But this is the body “resetting.” Many suffer headaches and withdrawal from caffeine and sugar for the first few days or week it varies on the person.
But as the time goes on, all this changes. You’ll have a spring in your step, and you won’t feel loaded down by excess fat, salt and other toxins. You won’t have constipation; in fact you’ll be quite regular because of all the fiber.

This help to lower the risk of colon cancer, diabetes and many other diseases. Acidity and inflammation are the r
oot causes of all diseases. Feasting your cells with nutrients reduces inflammation and balances your pH.

Sunflower Seed Mylk

Creamy and delicious raw vegan milk that’s just as good as almond milk but without the nuts!

This mylk is awesome for everyone especially anyone who who’s allergic to nuts, oats, rice, soy or any other ingredient that’s been transformed into a dairy-free milk.


I bet you’re wondering, ‘Why make milk out of Sunflower seeds?’ I’ll tell you wh?

Because they’re high in vitamin E and vitamin E keeps our immune system rockin’ and our skin glowing. We all like glowing skin.

Also, they’re loaded with magnesium that helps keep our bones strong and our muscles chilled out and relaxed.

Lastly, you’ll find a bunch of selenium in these little guys, the trace mineral that helps repair your DNA.

Little power bombs, these guys are.

What is a Detox? Ten Reasons To do A Juice Feasting Cleanse

Why Cleanse?
Why do people do a juice cleanse?
Doesn’t your body detox itself its a waste of money to do a juice cleanse?
Juice cleanses screw up your body?
What toxins does the juice cleanse remove, why cant these companies that sell juice cleanses tell you the name of the toxins that are being removed?

I am sure you have heard all these questions and even you yourself have wondered what is the point of a juice cleanse. I am here to tell you its not a hoax, its not a waste of money, and its not useless.

So yes your body does detox itself daily. Or I should say your body is supposed to be detoxing itself daily. Your body works like a well oiled clock. Every few hours in the day a different organ in your body is attempting to detox itself. Have you ever wondered why when you wake up in the morning one of the first things that happen is you go poop. That is because your intestines detox between the hours of 3 and 6am. Problem is our eating habits and lifestyles have changed dramatically. We consume lots of dairy, meat, processed and nutrient deficient foods. We don’t sleep enough, we don’t exercise and get our bodies moving.

The body becomes overloaded with toxins due to various internal and external forces such as unhealthy foods, stress, sleeping habits and harmful environments.

It’s important to flush these toxins out of the body regularly to make sure that the body’s systems are running properly.

Common signs of excess toxins in the body are fatigue, excessive weight gain, skin reactions (rashes and acne), constipation, and bad breath to name a few.

There are two main sources of toxins that affect the body on a daily basis:

Environmental Toxins: These are toxins outside of the body. They include things like pesticides, carbon monoxide, the perfume or cologne you wear, your cleaning products and other chemicals people come in contact with on a daily basis.

Metabolic Toxins: These are toxins on the inside of the body. This can happen through a variety of mechanisms, but the main thought here is something that has been eaten and absorbed into the cells through digestion. The dairy and meat you eat have growth hormones given to the chickens, cows and etc, they also contain antibiotics. Something to keep in mind is that 85 percent of the antibiotics in the world are used on the foods you eat. There is also the fluoride that is added to your water, linked to dementia and Alzheimer. We have all heard about GMOs cant forget those, not to mention preservatives like salt, MSG, and all those long complicated names that you see written on the ingredient lists of foods. We can write a novel about the toxins that are inside your body at this moment just from the foods you have eaten.

What is a detox? You can detox in a variety of ways, but the main purpose is simple – to get the toxins out of the body, best way is by doing a juice cleanse. WHY? A juice feasting cleanse gives your digestion a break by flooding your system with nutrients it needs to reset, reboot and heal. A raw juice is be absorbed by your digestive system within 15 minutes, compared to other foods you eat that can take anywhere from 24 to 36 hours. Anytime you eat your body can use up to 80 percent of its energy on digestion, and that is not good. Hence why you might feel tired after eating complex foods like meat, dairy and processed. When your body is using 80 percent of its energy trying to digest the food you just ate, other organs that are meant to be detoxing are not.

Other ways to detox after your cleanse are through dieting, exercise, inhaling fresh air, and consuming more water, fruits, and vegetables. Juicing can have dramatic effects on your overall health and how you feel.

10 Reasons to do a Tailored Juice feasting cleanse and Detoxify the Body

1. Youthful energy

Remember the vibrant, non-stop energy you had in your youth? Detox programs can help to get some of it back. One of best benefits from detoxification of the body is increased energy levels.

Cutting out harmful chemicals like sugars, hydrogenated oils, fatty foods, and dangerous energy drinks while replacing them with water, vegetables, and fresh fruits, can cause a dramatic spike in the body’s natural energy levels.

Things you will notice in your day-to-day life:

Wake up and feel energized to start the day
Experience less midday energy crashes
Have a greater desire for new experiences instead of time on the couch

2. Improves mental clarity

There is a direct connection between cognitive and digestive health. Once you improve your overall health, you will notice the mind becoming clearer. Foods labeled as inflammatory not only affect your organs and gut, but the brain as well. Most people overlook the important fact that inflammation from foods happens in the brain as well as the body.

Once you clear your plate of sugar and fatty foods, you will notice clearer thinking and an improved mood as a result of the detoxification process.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Less brain fog, especially midday
Better focus and attention to detail on daily tasks

3. Strengthens the immune system

If you feel like you’re constantly catching a cold or the flu, juicing and juice cleanses will help. When the body detoxes, it is freed up from the toxin burden on major organs and can operate like it was designed to.

All good juice cleanses will provide a healthy amount of vitamin C, which has been conclusively shown to improve the immune system and protect against diseases. Also you will be getting all the nutrients, phytonutrients and minerals your immune system needs to fight anything that comes its way.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Get the common cold less often than co-workers and friends
Recovering faster from illnesses when they happen

4. Aids in weight loss

It’s easy to see how cutting out processed foods, dairy, meat, sugars and fatty foods from the diet will impact weight quickly. Toxins affect the body’s natural ability to burn fat and lead to weight gain. When foods are not digesting properly, losing weight will be more difficult. Juicing gives your digestive system a vacation. The juice you drink will be absorbed by your digestive system within 15 minutes, where the food you normally eat can spend 24 to 36 hours in your digestive system.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Yoga pants will fit better
Juice cleanses do help you loose fat cells
Gradual steady weight loss over time

5. Slows the aging process

By reducing the amount of toxins and free radical damage done to the body, you will notice benefits in both the short-term and the long-term. Free radicals are incomplete electrons that are devastating to your health and aging processes, but when you eats more vegetables and fresh fruits, they will combat these free radicals with powerful antioxidants.

The antioxidants will keep the body looking younger and healthier while slowing the aging process.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Less wrinkles on your forehead and around the eyes
Less bags under the eyes when you wake up

6. Clearer skin

Environmental and diet-based toxins can have very visible results on the largest organ in the body – the skin. Detoxifying the body can help with acne, will strengthen nails and hair, and will help provide a natural healthy glow. As toxins leave the body though the skin (your biggest eliminative organ), a slight increase in acne or even patchiness to the skin is common.

Don’t worry though, it will clear up after a few days and when it does, you will be left with healthy, vibrant skin that you will love.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Improved skin color and overall complexion
Nails and hair will grow a little faster than normal
Acne will become a rare occurrence, if ever

7. Helps curb sugar and carb cravings

It is a fact that sugar and carbohydrates are biologically addictive. Sugar has even been reported to be 8 times more addictive than cocaine. There’s a reason why it’s so hard to give it up, and thankfully a sugar detox can help with this. There really is no better way to kick these craving than to cut it out for awhile. The problem is that this can induce headaches and sluggish feelings that come with withdrawal.

That is why replacing the process sugars and bad carbs with healthy organic cold pressed raw juice is important. Yes the Fruit does have sugar but those sugars come with enzymes that help break them down and make them healthy do your body.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Cravings for fruits and vegetables
Bad feelings if you consume sugars and bad carbs again

8. Improves digestive health

When detoxing, the body is getting rid of the excess waste stored in the gut and fat cells. The primary way this happens is through the increase in fiber that comes with the raw juice. Yes you heard us say it, Raw juices do have fiber, its all about the machine you use when you juice those fruits and vegetables. The fiber helps cleanse the colon and drag out any of the toxins that get built up over time. It also improves the functionality of the liver and kidneys that are responsible for processing the foods that you eat.

In this way, the body will be able to better absorb the vitamins and nutrients from your food.

Things you will notice in your day to day life:

Becoming regular
More instant energy from food

9. Establishes healthy habits

Doing a juice cleanse for 10 days and longer will make a huge impact on your life, and will help you make healthy choices and decisions for the days following. The key to making clean eating and being healthy work for you is establishing lifelong habits that you can stick with. That is why detox programs should be the first stepping stone to living a healthier life.

When you cleanse the body and replace the old foods with healthier food choices, you can train yourself into making your health a priority in your life.

Things you will notice in your day-to-day life:

Thinking about how a specific food is going to impact long-term goals
Waking up and thinking about healthy decisions first thing in the morning

10. Restores balance to the body’s systems

The body is a complex group of intertwining systems that work together in order to achieve optimal health. The nervous system, digestive system, and hormonal system are trying their best to keep you healthy and reproduce your genes. That is what the body is made for!

Detoxing and getting rid of these harmful toxins will bring balance back to your overall system and make you feel like you’re in a brand new body!

Things you will notice in your day to day life

Becoming happier with yourself
Improved mood and outlook on day-to-day living

Superfood Hot Chocolate

Not only are we using raw cacao powder not to be confused with cocoa powder which is processed. We also added ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and coconut oil, which are all immune boosting and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Which makes this hot chocolate a superfood. Drink up and enjoy. But first let’s talk about the health benefits of these raw and plant based ingredients.

Cacao: Contains high amounts of magnesium and high levels of flavonoids, an antioxidant responsible for decreasing inflammation and ridding the body of free-radicals. If possible, buy raw cacao powder instead processed cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is heated to high temperatures, which destroys some of its healing qualities.

Ginger: A reliever to GI upset, but also a potent anti-inflammatory. Gingerols, a substance found in ginger is responsible for decreasing pain and inflammation in people suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Cinnamon: Similar to ginger, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Some studies even suggest that cinnamon helps with insulin resistance.

Turmeric: A very potent anti-inflammatory agent due to curcurmin, the compound that gives turmeric its bright yellow color. In addition to decreasing inflammation and pain in those suffering from arthritis, turmeric protects cells from oxidative stress.

Coconut Oil: Contains lauric acid, which may fight off bacteria, fungus and viruses. Also, a good source of medium chain triglycerides that contain anti-aging properties.


2 cups of milk of your choice (hemp, soy, almond, etc.)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ginger
¼ teaspoon turmeric
2 tablespoons cacao powder (or cocoa powder if you don’t have cacao!)
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup (adjust according to your taste)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
pinch sea salt


-Warm all ingredients in a saucepan over low heat, whisking occasionally.
-Transfer to a blender and pulse until frothy.
-Top with coconut, soy or rice whip for fun!


Our Super Tomatoe Basil Soup

Looks tasty, right?! I actually like to call this Superfood Soup because the health benefits of this soup are HUGE!! First, it is completely raw, meaning it has not been cooked. Thus preserving the enzymes.

“Enzymes are substances that make life possible. They are needed for every chemical reaction that takes place in the human body. No mineral, vitamin, or horomone can do any work without enzymes. Our bodies, all organs, tissues, and cells are run by metabolic enzymes.” – Dr. Howell, Enzyme Nutrition

Second, it is bursting with lycopene (from the tomatoes), an antioxidant highly effective in scavenging cancer causing free radicals. The lycopene in tomato fights against cancer and has been shown to be particularly effective in fighting prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and oesophageal cancers. It also protects against breast cancer and cancer of mouth according to studies published by Harvard School of Public Health. Tomatoes are also excellent in supporting the health of the eyes, skin, urinary tract and supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure.

Third, we’ve got celery which is rich in vitamin C, helps to lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, reduce high blood pressure, and promote overall health. Because of it’s high calcium content, celery can help calm the nerves. Celery is also good for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and gout since its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and pain around the joints.

Fourth, the Mighty Avocado! The monosaturated fats in avocados not only help in reducing LDL cholesterol but are also good for the heart, skin, eyes, weight control, anti-aging, digestion, and regulating blood sugar. Did you know avocados contain 30% more potassium than banana? The high potassium content helps in regulating blood pressure and prevents circulatory diseases. Avocados have numerous phytonutrients which not only prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer but also can help repair damaged cells. Avocados are also a powerhouse of vitamin E which protects our skin from free radicals.

With all those incredible health benefits who wouldn’t want to try this soup?! It’s delicious, PACKED with AMAZING nutrition.

Raw Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese

This vegan cashew cream cheese is exceptionally easy to make: just pop all of your ingredients into a high powdered food processor (Like vitamix) and blend until creamy. How long you need to blend for will depend on your equipment – this took less than a minute in the Vitamix – so keep checking as you go. Without a Vitamix or equivalent, it may take significantly longer but I haven’t tested this. If it comes out too thick, adding a little water should get you to your desired consistency.

Raw Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese

A creamy dairy-free spread that’s perfect on a bagel, with fruit or anything you would normally put cheese on.


-60g plain cashew nuts, soaked in hot water for at least an hour
-1tbsp garlic-infused oil
-1 tbsp lemon juice
-1 tsp apple cider vinegar
-Pinch of dried rosemary


-Drain the cashews and add into a high-powered blender along with the oil, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.
-Blend for around 1 minute in a high powered blender, or around 3-5 minutes (or longer if needed) in a lower powder unit, until it has formed a smooth, thick paste that resembles cream cheese. If it is too thick, then add a little warm water.
-Transfer to a small dish and sprinkle over the dried rosemary. Serve on a hot bagel or use as a substitute to cream cheese in any other dish!
-Store in an airtight pot in the fridge for up to three days.

The garlic-infused oil can be substituted for one tablespoon of plain rapeseed or olive oil and one small crushed clove of garlic but the taste from the garlic will be stronger.

Depending on the strength of your blender, you may need to soak the cashews for longer or blend for longer. Older cashew nuts will also need soaking for longer than fresher ones.

Cinnamon Ginger Anti-inflammatory Tea

For years, people have recommended drinking ginger ale when sick to help reduce nausea, and throughout history ginger root has been coveted as a powerful medicinal spice. While there are several ways to prepare and eat ginger, my favorite way to experience the benefits of this spice is by making ginger tea with cinnamon.

Ginger is known for a wide variety of health benefits, including:

Pain Relief

Plus, it’s absolutely delicious! I usually drink ginger tea at night after dinner to help prepare myself for bed. Ginger is a warming spice, so it’s great for warming yourself up on colder nights.

If ginger isn’t enough of a health boost for you, consider the health power-punch of this drink once cinnamon is added!

Cinnamon is also known for a variety of health benefits:

Diabetes Fighting
Supports Heart Health
Supports Brain Health

Wow! Sometimes I have a hard time believing how insanely powerful this ginger tea can be with cinnamon added.

Making ginger tea at home is very easy. And it can be stored in refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Start by cutting about an inch-long piece of ginger off the root and peeling it. Then chop it into coins and place in a pot with about 2 cups of water. Add in the cinnamon stick.

Bring the water to a boil and then turn down the heat and let the tea simmer for about 20 mins.

Remove from the heat and let cool for about 15 minutes after that. This step is very important, as the cinnamon stick must cool for the nutrients to be extracted.

Filter the tea through a fine mesh or colander to remove the ginger pieces and cinnamon stick.

At this point, you will have very strong tea, so I usually dilute it by at least half with fresh water before drinking. Whatever I don’t drink right away I pour into a jar and keep in the fridge. I’ve never pushed the limits on how long it will keep, but I know it stays good for at least 2 weeks.

If you want your tea to be a little sweeter, you can add some raw honey to it while it’s hot.

This ginger tea has become my new favorite tea.

Ginger and cinnamon are both powerful anti-inflammatory agents, among a myriad of other wonderful health benefits. This ginger tea with cinnamon is a perfect addition to a healthy diet, and can protect against colds, the flu, cancer, diabetes, and more!

Matcha Pistachio Energy Balls

Health benefits of matcha:

-High in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the magical nutrients and enzymes responsible for fighting against the negative effects of UV radiation, giving us younger-looking skin, and preventing a number of life-threatening maladies. Antioxidants are something that all health-conscious individuals seek from such foods as raw fruits, green veggies, and (let’s not forget) dark chocolate. The first amazing benefit of Matcha Green Tea is that just one bowl provides over 5 times as many antioxidants as any other food – the highest rated by the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) method.

-Is packed with the powerful antioxidant EGCg. Out of all the antioxidants, EGCg is the most widely recognized for its cancer fighting properties. Scientists have found that Matcha Green Tea contains over 100 times more EGCg than any other tea on the market.

-Boosts metabolism and burns calories. Matcha increases metabolism and helps the body burn fat about four times faster than average.

-Detoxifies effectively and naturally. Matcha is also a powerful detoxifier capable of naturally removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body. Very high levels of chlorophyll in matcha.

-Calms the mind and relaxes the body. L-Theanine (amino acid found in matcha) promotes the production of alpha waves in the brain which induces relaxation without the inherent drowsiness caused by other “downers.”

-Is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins

-Enhances mood and aids in concentration. Another side-effect of L-Theanine is the production of dopamine and serotonin. These two chemicals serve to enhance mood, improve memory, and promote better concentration – something that can benefit everyone!

-Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium

-Prevents disease

-Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. Matcha lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while at the same time displaying higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

-Fortifies the immune system

Matcha is an easy and simple way to add powerful health benefits to your everyday diet.

Matcha Pistachio Energy Balls
These energy bites Made from matcha green tea are delicious. They are refined sugar free and the perfect sweet, healthy snack. One or two will satisfy your hunger and sweet tooth. They are the perfect treat.


¾ cup raw cashews

¼ cup raw pistachios, shelled

Medjool dates, pitted

¼ cup shredded coconut, unsweetened

2 tsp matcha powder

1 tbsp coconut oil

¼ pistachios, chopped (for rolling)


Place all the ingredients (except the last ¼ cup pistachios) into a food processor. Process for one minute or until finely chopped and blended.

Using a cookie scoop, scoop out balls of mixture. Roll between your hands to create evenly sized balls.

When all balls have been rolled, roll them again through the chopped pistachios and press firmly into the balls.

Refrigerate for 15 minutes then enjoy.

Improve your Digestion

Love. A woman’s hands forming a heart symbol on belly.; Shutterstock ID 44072719; PO: aol; Job: production; Client: drone
15 Ways to Improve Your Digestion

The health of your gut is directly related to your overall well-being. I
like to think of your gut as your second brain – it’s that important to keep it healthy! It seems more of my clients are coming to me with complaints related to their digestive systems including constipation, gas, bloating, diarrhea and heartburn. Luckily, your digestive health can be easily kept healthy and even improved with a few simple lifestyle adjustments.

If you’re experiencing digestive troubles, implement some of these simple ways to improve your overall digestive health. It will make a huge difference to the way you look and feel. When you’re experiencing sluggish digestion, this can have an impact on other areas of your health like your skin as well.

1. Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you consume: Eating a range of fruit and veg will provide your system with heaps of soluble fibre to keep your digestive system moving the way it should. Juicing is a great way to get all those nutrients and minerals your body needs.

2. Increase the amount of whole foods in your diet and decrease the amount of processed foods you consume: Processed foods are difficult for the body to digest and can cause blockages within your digestive tract. The more real food you eat, the more your gut will love you.

3. Start your day with a tonic of freshly squeezed lemons with a tablespoon of ACV (Apple cider vinegar) in spring or filtered water: This is alkalizing and helps to clean the stomach of any residual debris, while also kick-starting your digestive system first thing in the morning.

4. Listen to your body and what it needs. Your body is always talking to you, so if you’re having a difficult time “knowing” what works for you, consider doing a short cleanse.

5. Eat more fibre (fruit and vegetables are a great source of this!) as this helps your bowel movements to happen regularly: You should poop at least once a day, ideally up to three times a day.

6. Skip non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs if possible: As regular use of these can cause peptic ulcers in the digestive tract. Great for inflammation is ginger, turmeric and green vegetables.

7. Be careful of use of other drugs that also create digestive problems: Especially including antibiotics which strip your gut of all the good bacteria that your body needs to maintain good immunity.

8. Don’t overeat, but always eat when you feel hungry: This all comes down to listening to your body’s needs.

9. Use herbs which aid digestion: Such as peppermint, fennel, and ginger. Also consume ginger to help settle an upset tummy.

10. Drink liquids before and after meals, not during: This is the best way to avoid diluting your digestive juices.

11. Take your time and really chew your food: It might seem silly, but most people don’t chew their food enough! Your body can use energy for other things if you chew your food instead of relying on acid and enzymes. Aim to chew at least 30 times per mouthful.

12. Eat slower so your body has time to digest everything: Eating slowly means you won’t have too much air coming into your body when you swallow.

13. Avoid using laxatives: Your body becomes reliant on them and they are habit forming. Instead, try these 7 Ways to Heal Constipation Naturally.

14. Stop smoking a& drinking alcohol: These habits cause ulcers & heartburn.

15. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a specialist (gastroenterologist): You may want to get a referral from a friend or relative. Remember that they are there to diagnose and treat, prevention lies in your hands.

This Is How Aspartame Causes Obesity

img_0108By Dr. Mercola

The allure of artificial sweeteners — zero calories and a sweet taste — is a strong one, such that up to 180 million Americans use them routinely.1

There have been concerns from the beginning, however, that consuming synthetic compounds with hyper-sweetness (200 times that of sugar in the case of aspartame) has some serious drawbacks.

One of the most appalling, especially to those consuming artificially sweetened sugar-free and diet products in the hopes of losing weight, is their propensity to fuel weight gain. Researchers wrote in the Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine:2

“Intuitively, people choose non-caloric artificial sweeteners over sugar to lose or maintain weight…. Whether due to a successful marketing effort on the part of the diet beverage industry or not, the weight conscious public often consider artificial sweeteners “health food.” But do artificial sweeteners actually help reduce weight? Surprisingly, epidemiologic data suggest the contrary. Several large scale prospective cohort studies found positive correlation between artificial sweetener use and weight gain.”

Although their reputation as a weight-loss aid has held strong since the beginning, it’s been known for years that they seem to have the opposite effect.

Recently, a team of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators even revealed a potential reason why artificial sweeteners like aspartame prevent, rather than promote, weight loss.

img_0110Aspartame May Promote Obesity by Blocking Gut Enzyme Activity.

A study on mice revealed that animals fed aspartame-laced drinking water gained weight and developed symptoms of metabolic syndrome while mice not fed the artificial sweetener did not.

Further, the researchers revealed that phenylalanine, an aspartame breakdown product, blocks the activity of a gut enzyme called alkaline phosphatase (IAP).

In a previous study, IAP was found to prevent the development of metabolic syndrome (and reduce symptoms in those with the condition) when fed to mice.4 Study author Richard Hodin, MD, of the MGH Department of Surgery, said in a press release:

“We found that aspartame blocks a gut enzyme called intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) that we previously showed can prevent obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome; so we think that aspartame might not work because, even as it is substituting for sugar, it blocks the beneficial aspects of IAP.”

Mice in the study were fed either plain water or water infused with the equivalent amount of aspartame found in two to 3 1/2 cans of soda, along with a normal diet or a high-fat diet. Mice in the high-fat group that drank aspartame-infused water gained more weight than those eating the same diet without aspartame in their water.

Further, all the mice fed aspartame had higher blood sugar levels — an indicator of glucose intolerance — and higher levels of inflammatory protein TNF-alpha, which is suggestive of systemic inflammation. Given aspartame’s inhibition of IAP, the researchers suggested its use is counterproductive.

img_0109Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Weight Gain Since the 1980s.

Artificial sweeteners are still viewed as a weight-loss aid in 2016 even though their hindrances to weight loss have been documented since at least the 1980s.

Then, the San Antonio Heart Study, which involved nearly 4,000 adults, found drinkers of artificially sweetened beverages consistently had higher BMIs (body mass index) than non-drinkers.

Again in the early 1980s, a study of nearly 78,700 women found artificial sweetener usage increased with relative weight, and users were significantly more likely to gain weight compared to those who did not use artificial sweeteners.

Such associations have only continued to grow over the passing decades. Artificially sweetened beverages, including diet soda, are among the key culprits, with intake associated with “striking” increases in waist circumference among older adults, according to one study.

Research published in PLOS One also found regularly consuming artificially sweetened soft drinks is associated with several disorders of metabolic syndrome, including:

Abdominal obesity
Insulin resistance
Impaired glucose intolerance
Abnormally elevated fats in the blood
High blood pressure

The study found drinking aspartame-sweetened diet soda daily increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 67 percent (regardless of whether they gained weight or not) and the risk of metabolic syndrome 36 percent.

One way artificial sweeteners increase your risk of weight gain, obesity and other related problems like type 2 diabetes is by inducing “metabolic derangements,” according to a report published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism:

” accumulating evidence suggests that frequent consumers of these sugar substitutes may also be at increased risk of excessive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.”

“consuming sweet-tasting but noncaloric or reduced-calorie food and beverages interferes with learned responses that normally contribute to glucose and energy homeostasis. Because of this interference, frequent consumption of high-intensity sweeteners may have the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements.”

img_0107Soda Industry Pledge to Cut Calories Off to Slow Start.

The soda industry has pledged to cut the number of calories Americans consume via beverages by 20 percent over a decade, but they’re off to a slow start.11 In 2015, this caloric intake dropped by just 0.2 percent, according to a beverage industry report.

In addition to introducing smaller package sizes and reformulating products, a key strategy toward this goal is the promotion of artificially sweetened diet drinks, but the consumption of low- and no-calorie soda fell by nearly 6 percent last year.

Americans are growing increasingly wary of artificial sweeteners, and the soda industry is becoming increasingly desperate to hold on to its once-loyal customers. One of their ongoing strategies to appear like they care about your health is to promote their diet beverages as a healthy alternative.

In 2013, they rolled out an ad campaign encouraging people to unite in the fight against obesity, and then swiftly launched another campaign touting aspartame in its diet sodas.

According to the ad, aspartame is a “safe, high-quality alternative to sugar.” Clearly they’ve not reviewed the hundreds of studies on this artificial sweetener demonstrating its harmful effects or the risks of consuming diet sodas in general.

In one study, people who drank diet soda had a 70 percent greater increase in waist size in a 10-year period compared to non-diet soda drinkers. Those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had a 500 percent greater increase in waist size.

Research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics also revealed that people who drink diet beverages may end up compensating for their “saved” calories by eating more foods high in sugar, sodium and unhealthy fats.

Obese adults had the highest incremental daily calorie intake from unhealthy foods associated with diet beverages. Researcher Ruopeng An, a kinesiology and community health professor at the University of Illinois, noted:

“It may be that people who consume diet beverages feel justified in eating more, so they reach for a muffin or a bag of chips … Or perhaps, in order to feel satisfied, they feel compelled to eat more of these high-calorie foods.”

img_0106Problems With Aspartame

Aspartame is made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. But the phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, as that provides the majority of the sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol.

When aspartame is in liquid form, it breaks down into methyl alcohol, or methanol, which is then converted into formaldehyde and represents the root of the problem with aspartame.

While industry funded studies, which are notoriously biased, attempt to support aspartame safety, 92 percent of independently funded studies found aspartame may cause adverse effects, including depression and headaches.14A recent study also found the administration of aspartame to rats resulted in detectable methanol even after 24 hours, which might be responsible for inducing oxidative stress in the brain.

Ten Reasons To Eat Banana Daily

img_9903Bananas are one of the most widely eaten fruits in the planet. They are dense in potassium and pectin, a form of fiber, and are also an excellent way to get vitamins C and B6 as well as magnesium. Bananas are packed with antioxidants, which give protection against free radicals. They have several benefits for weight loss, heart health and digestion, and contain many essential nutrients. Besides being extremely nutritious, they are also a convenient snack to bring around.

1. Boost your mood

The next time you feel low, try eating a couple of bananas to boost your mood. The banana contains tryptophan, which the body uses to make niacin and serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for produce healthy sleep and a happy, stable mood. Not only this, but bananas also contain Vitamin B-6 and fiber.

2. For High Blood Pressure

Suffering from High blood pressure? Eating bananas will help you controlling it as they are a rich source of potassium. They are low in sodium but high in potassium, making them a great food for your blood pressure and heart health! Harvard Medical School has good advice on it.

3. Constipation. Promotes Regularity

Treat irregular bowel irritation and constipation problem by adding bananas to your everyday diet. They are the excellent source of fiber and minerals and help in improving the digestion.

Just one banana a day can help in keeping you regular. A typical 6-inch banana contains around 2.5 grams of total fiber, half of which are insoluble.

When insoluble fiber passes through the digestive tract, it helps push out waste and ensures that bowel movements are easy to pass.

Keeping your bowels healthy by consuming a minimum of 14 grams fiber per 1,000 calories consumed is recommended by the Colorady State University Extension. So for a standard 1,800-calorie diet, consumption of at least 25 grams of total fiber is recommended.

4. For High Energy

Have you seen athletes, your favorite tennis players gobbling bananas before and during play? It’s because bananas are the best source of energy. They contain 3 types of sugar– Glucose, fructose, and sucrose! The first two gives a burst of energy quickly, whereas, the sucrose absorbs slowly and provide constant energy.

5. Get Help in Restless Leg Syndrome

If RLS giving you or someone you know restless leg syndrome– It’s time to eat bananas. Potassium rich food helps in RLS and bananas are a rich source of it.

6. Bananas for Weight Loss

Bananas are relatively low in calories, containing just under 90, but it is also quite filling and nutritious. Due to their rich fiber content, consumption of more fruits and vegetables has been associated with weight loss as well as a lower body weight.

It is also such an ideal snack due to the convenience at which you can eat them.

A popular myth on the Internet is that bananas improve mood because of their serotonin content. Logically, it makes sense that the dopamine found in bananas was believed to have a positive effect on mood and disposition, but since it does not cross the blood-brain barrier, it simply functions as an antioxidant.

7. Bananas are Good for Heart

Take a high fiber diet that is rich in potassium and low in sodium and it’ll help you in maintaining blood pressure, prevent stroke and heart attack. Bananas contain all that. Also, they are a great source of potassium, and Vitamin B6 and it’s proven that B vitamins help break down homocysteine, an amino acid that at high levels is related to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

8. Bananas support cardiovascular health

Potassium, an essential mineral for cardiovascular health and blood pressure control, is abundant in bananas, making it an ideal dietary source. Potassium-rich diets can help decrease blood pressure, and individuals who consume lots of potassium may lower their risk of developing heart disease.
9. Bananas Enhance Immunity and Combat Cancerous Cell Changes

In an experiment that looked into different ripe fruit such as persimmon, pear, pineapple, watermelon, apple, grape and banana and their effects on immunity on the body, results showed that banana increased showed the best results in increasing the number of white blood cells and producing Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), which is an anti-cancer substance.

TNF is a cytokine, or a substance secreted by cells of the ummune system which helps in fighting abnormal tumor cells. In another study, fuctose-binding lectin was isolated from Del Monte bananas which inhibited the proliferation of leukemia cells and hepatoma cells. It is possible that the lectin isolated from banana in this particular study can be developed into a useful antitumor agent, among other things.

10. Bananas Contain Nutrients That Control Blood Sugar Levels

Bananas are contain fiber known as pectin. Young bananas have resistant starch, which functions akin to soluble fiber and evades digestion. Resistant starch and pectin may control blood sugar levels after meal consumption, and lessen cravings by delaying gastric emptying. Bananas also figure moderately on the glycemic index. The glycemix index is a measure of how swiftly foods raise blood sugar levels (0-100). Bananas therefore should not trigger spikes in blood sugar levels in normal individuals.


Quote Of The Day


Eckhart Tolle believes we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. Perhaps this explains why we often hold onto our pain far beyond its ability to serve us.
We replay past mistakes over and over again in our head, allowing feelings of shame and regret to shape our actions in the present. We cling to frustration and worry about the future, as if the act of fixation somehow gives us power. We hold stress in our minds and bodies, potentially creating serious health issues, and accept that state of tension as the norm.
There will never be a time when life is simple. There will always be time to practice accepting that. Every moment is a chance to let go and feel peaceful. .

Chronic Disease

More people die from chronic disease today than all other causes combined. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 36 million people die every year from degenerative conditions.

7 Habits Affecting Your Gut Health

imageThe gut, our second brain. Now recognized by many health practitioners to be the root cause of disease, and where healing starts.

Science has now recognized why gut health is so important, and it’s called the microbiome. The microbiome is filled with beneficial bacteria that have a vital link to health and disease, and can be influenced by your diet and lifestyle. We are 10 times more microorganisms than we are human cells, and the majority of them are found in the microbiome. Here are 7 habits that might be affecting the health of your microbiome and harmful to your gut.

1. Poor Diet
What and how you eat influences your microbiome’s health. If you eat a diet that is rich in nutrition and easily digestible, you will feel energetic and alive because your microbiome is thriving. If you eat a processed diet containing bad fats and high in sugar, and you eat it in 2 minutes while rushing out the door, you will most likely have poor absorption of the little nutrition in the foods, be acidic, feel tired and sick, and your microbiome will flourish with bad bugs.

Follow a few of these tips in your diet to improve your gut health:
• Remove processed foods
• Eat an alkalized diet full of greens
• Eat live foods such as sprouts, as they contain live enzymes and beneficial bacteria
• Limit sugar, as sugar fuels the bad bacteria.
• Increase your fiber from whole food sources such as beans, vegetables, and gluten-free
• Remove foods that aggravate the gut e.g. dairy, gluten, MSG)
• Chew your food to improve digestion

2. Antibiotics and Medications
With our first line of help when we are sick being the local doctor, we are prescribed antibiotics for common illness such as earaches and even viruses without knowing the repercussions. Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria, as do most pharmaceutical medications. If you take daily medication, or antibiotics more than once a year, you will need to replenish your good bacteria through fermented foods and probiotic supplements.

3. The Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP)
A daily dose is needed to have the effect. However, over time it wreaks havoc on your gut. The OCP depletes your B12, folate and zinc levels, and kills off beneficial bacteria. Now think of 10 years of taking the pill, and how good your gut might be thereafter! A break from the pill, or focusing on a gut-healthy diet will help support long-term use if you must remain on the pill.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol kills off the good bacteria in our gut, changes the ecosystem of our digestion, and also increases acidity. Alcohol furthermore increases intestinal permeability, meaning foreign agents and partially digested food enter through the gut and create an immune response that leads to inflammation. Intestinal permeability also means less nutrient absorption, thus causing a lack of vital nourishment to the cells in your body.

5. Obsession with Cleanliness
Have you got a hand sanitizer in your handbag or an antimicrobial hand wash at every sink in the house? Well, the overuse of antibacterial and antimicrobial agents might not actually be doing you good. Over-sanitization causes a lack of exposure to the bugs that help create immunity.

6. A Diet Low in Fermented Foods
Where do we get our good bacteria? Well, at birth we are exposed to them when we come through the vaginal birth canal, and then again from breast milk. After this time, we need to eat our bacteria in the form of fermented foods. If your diet is lacking yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, or miso, you could be missing some of the most important foods for your microbiome to thrive well and most likely need to increase these foods to make sure you are replenishing your vital beneficial bacterial.

7. Stress
When we stress, blood rushes away from our digestive tract and goes to our vital organs to help fuel us if we need to fight or flee. The digestive response is not needed if we are to fight a tiger, so it partially shuts down. Long term stress means a lack of blood supply to your digestive tract and also a lack of gastric secretions, leading to poor gut health. To combat the effects of stress, try taking a few deep breaths, deep in your belly, to reverse the stress response.

Do You Drink Lemon Water? Time to Get Started

today1 A glass of lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fibre. It also has medicinal values and antibacterial properties.

16 Health Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

1- Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies
2-Lemons contain pectin fibre which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial
3- It balances to maintain the pH levels in the body
4- Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins
5- It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile
6- It is also a great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
7- helps prevent the growth of bacteria that cause infections and diseases
8- It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid
9- It helps when you are sick and coming down with a cold.
10- The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells
11- It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute
12- It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver In case of a heartburn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief
13- It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne
14- It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems
15- Aids in the production of digestive juices
16- Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session

Get on the lemon water bandwagon, Its a habit that should be done daily, especially right when you wake up.

How much lemon to put in your water?
squeeze or juice one lemon and add to 1 litre of water. ENJOY.

Top 5 Popular Children’s Snacks Made with Cancer Causing Petroleum Products

gummyThe snack foods that are marketed for children can have anything from cancer causing artificial coloring to the unbelievable, petroleum products! ! Petroleum is the same ingredient that is used to make up oil and gas. Commonly used food dyes, such as Yellow 5, and Red 40 are made from petroleum and pose serious health problems. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that ingestion is typically under the “concern threshold.”

Those health problems can include hyperactivity in children, cancer (in animal studies), and allergic reactions. Artificial food coloring has been linked to bed-wetting, ear infections, headaches, hypersensitivity, obesity, asthma,diabetes,eczema, mood swings, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, increased risky behavior, ADD/ADHD, chromosomal damage, hives, and possibly hypoglycemia.

In fact, these substances are so toxic that the British government and European Union have ended the use of dyes throughout Europe.

1. Pop tarts

These toaster pastries were first introduced in 1964. The Frosted Strawberry flavor has corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose and sugar within the first 6 ingredients! These are all forms of harmful sugar. The other alarming ingredients are TBHQ which comes from petroleum and is related to butane, partially hydrogenated soybean oil that causes cellular dysfunction, and cancer causing artificial colors.

2. Fruit snacks

These come in so many “fruit” flavors and characters they maybe hard to resist, until you realize they are made mostly is artificial additives and colors. Red 3 is a commonly used food coloring, also known as E127 or Erythrosine, a petroleum product.

3. M&M’s

They are fun colorful chocolate candies that melt in your mouth and not in your hands… These colors are artificial and are harmful when ingested. The colors utilized are, Blue #2: Is a petroleum based product that increases hyperactivity in children, increases brain tumors in lab rats and other abnormal cell development. Blue #1: Produces malignant tumors. Red #40: Damages DNA. Yellow #6: Can cause cancer and Yellow #5: All of these artificial colors are made from petroleum and can cause, in addition, allergic reactions, hyperactivity, and cancer.

4. Cheetos.

Those orange, cheesy snacks. The artificial color that creates the “cheese” color is made from Yellow 6, which we know is derived from petroleum. As is the “cheese” flavoring, including, methyl benzoate and ethyl methylphenidate.

5. Teddy grams

They have been around since 1988 and are available in 5 different flavors. These tiny bears are a great size for even small fingers but they are laced with the dreaded TBHQ. TBHQ can be toxic and also cause nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ear, delirium and collapse. It is shown to cause stomach cancer in lab rats, fragment DNA and cause damage to humane lung and umbilical cells. In children it can cause anxiety, restlessness, and intensify the symptoms of ADHD.

There are many quick and easy healthy snacks to grab and go. Organic fruit, pre portioned bags of organic carrots and celery and when I have a few minutes I make a large batch of granola bars with chia and flax seeds. These bars freeze well, can be made with fruit or nuts, are filling and nutritious.




Seven Greens To include in Your Life

post33 percent of us meet the recommendation for fruit consumption, and fewer than 30 percent of adults eat the recommended servings of vegetables.
Although the amount of fruit and veggies you need varies, depending on age, gender, and how physically active you are. There is no one diet or one program that fits all.
The eating plan or cleanse you do needs to be tailored to you, customized and formulated to help your body.

So let’s talk about 7 greens that we should all try to eat more off.

1. Avocados:
This tasty fruit packs 690 mg of potassium making it the perfect after-workout snack to help fight muscle cramps. The healthy fats it has decreases inflammation and improves cholesterol levels.

2. Apples:
An apple a day really might help keep the doctor away. The crisp fruit helps fight obesity, lower cholesterol, reduce your risk of stroke, and stave off certain types of cancer. Of course, not all apples are green. The good news? These health benefits apply to red and yellow ones, too.

3. Kale:
kale is good for your bones, offering 24 mg of calcium per cup. It’s also rich in vitamin A, which keeps your skin healthy and may protect against some forms of cancer. Kale is a good source of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and could amp up your immune system to help your body fight off bugs. You can also get lots of vitamin K from kale, a nutrient essential for blood clotting.

4. Spinach:
Spinach is filled with vitamins C and A, and it offers more fiber than kale.

5. Nopales:
Nopales is a cactus plant, rich in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. It could also help lower your blood sugar.

6. Brussels sprouts:
These little veggies offer plenty of vitamins A and C. You can also get more than four grams of fiber per cup from them.

7. Pistachios:
Although not a fruit or a vegetable but they are green. pistachios offer serious health benefits. Just a quarter cup had more than 6 grams of protein. They also offer a healthy dose of filling fiber.

When to Juice Cleanse?

Every day is the perfect time for a detox! Start fresh, cleansed, and ready to take on 2016 with a tailored and formulated juice cleanse from @Rawjuiceguru, which is unlike any typical juice cleanse because we formulate juices to each client from over 900 raw juices. Our 900 juices have bio-available nutrients, live enzymes, boosters, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and the healing powers of earth, water and sun.

Your cleanse is not about going into starvation mode, but rebuilding your body and. digestive system to get you on track.
Don’t miss the holiday promo going on now too…

Promo ends December 31st, you have 6 months to book your cleanse once you buy it.

email cleanse info@rawjuiceguru.com or call 1800 831 9028 to order.

Quote of The Day

“Vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts and seeds sound boring? But so does A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and yet, that boring alphabet when you put it together, makes Shakespeare. When you put the five food groups together, it makes the most delicious cuisine ever.” – Main Street Vegan

Grap Your Raw Juice

What Can Organic Slow pressed Raw Juice do for you:

– Boost the number of fruits and vegetables you consume daily
– Break the cycle of unhealthy eating and crave healthy foods
-Lose weight
-Manage a healthy weight
– Lower the risk of life-threatening diseases
– Promote longevity
– Decrease aches and pains in joints and muscles
– Boost your immune system
– Release stored toxins
– Increase energy levels
-Promote beautiful and healthy skin, nails and hair
– Ease digestion by accessing digestive enzymes locked away in whole produce

Stop by 3324 Dundas street west, Toronto
For your organic slow pressed raw juice, or order for delivery on www.rawjuiceguru.com

Eucalyptus Health benefits

Hang Eucalyptus in your shower, the steam will release beneficial oils.

Eucalyptus benefits:
-anti stress,
-mental clarity,
-mood enhancer,
-anti inflammatory
-respiratory health


12359952_861851483921999_3439581981483822322_nPlaydo and wheatgrass elixirs go hand in hand. Ones for imagination, the green one for your health.

Molecular structure of ?#?chlorophyll? is very similar to that of hemoglobin, the substance that transports oxygen in the bloodstream. Consuming #chlorophyll rich fruits & veggies improves the efficiency of oxygen transport in the body.

Wheatgrass is a huge source of chlorophyll vitamins minerals and amino acids. Wheatgrass offer a myriad of benefits. It’s high chlorophyll content is what makes it a superb detoxifier and anti cancer ?superfood?.

Chlorophyll exhibits strong anti inflammatory and anti viral activity and serves as an effective chelation agent , removing toxic heavy metals such as Mercury from the body.

The buildup of ?#?toxins? can severely depress the immune system. In past half century with the increase in environmental pollution and dependence on processed foods we have witnesses a higher rates of diseases such as ?#?cancer? , dementia, heart disease, ALS and arthritis among many others.

Did you know taking chlorophyll enhances any ?#?exercise? program because the body requires oxygen to develop muscles & burn fat.

Matcha Matcha

matchaLong ago in ancient civilizations, tea began as a medicine. Only later did it turn into the casual daytime beverage that we enjoy today. But modern studies continually reveal the enormous range of health benefits of matcha, confirming those early sought-after medicinal properties. And turns out they’re pretty impressive. One study states a single cup of matcha contains an incredible 137 times more antioxidants than a cup of brewed tea bag! What’s uniquely special is that matcha contains a certain kind of antioxidant called catechins (of all antioxidants, catechins are the most potent and beneficial – nice!) Matcha is especially high in one specific catechin, called EGCG, which is recognized for it’s cancer fighting properties.

Juice Cleanse Tailored to Your Health

spilledDon’t be sad over spilled wheatgrass.

When you do a juice feasting cleanse you ease the digestive process by replacing regular meals with delicious, organic, cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices. Consuming only coldpressed juices and powerful elixirs frees energy in the body, which can then return to the essential jobs of deep inner cleansing and healing.

When you feel better on the inside, you look better on the outside. Glowing skin, bright eyes, the disappearance of hard-to-lose pounds, as well as a newfound sense of optimism and enjoyment of life, are all common results of juice cleansing. Not to mention helps with inflammation and alkalizing your body, which is the number one causes of all diseases.

Let’s get you feasting.
Call or email 1800 831 9028 for our promotion of the month. We are here to help and answer a your questions.


We deliver for free to: toronto, mississauga, brampton, oakville, burlington, vaughan, woodbridge, Richmond hill, markham and scarborough. We deliver outside those area for extra charges

Health Is An Investment


When we learn to eat properly, we begin to rebuild our bodies and to fulfill our purpose on this planet: to grow in health, creativity, wisdom and compassion. Dr. Ann Wigmore

Start each meal with raw vegetables or greens to ensure you get plentiful supply of enzyme rich foods to increase your enzyme reserve.

?#?Didyouknow? live enzymes help reserve the aging process, increase beauty and help us loose weight.

New Juice Red Sea & Benefits of Fulvic & Humic Acid

Welcome to the 900+ raw juices we have what we call “Red Sea”.

This red potion is perfectly formulated With 6 powerful ingredients:
Coconut water, beets, ginger, Chaga, fulvic acid and Humic.

AVAILABLE In Store and onlineredsea

Let us focus on fulvic and Humic acid benefits today so you can see how powerful this juice is with just these 2 ingredients.

Fulvic acid benefits:

-Powerful anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger
-Anti-aging and rejuvenating
-Chelates heavy metals
-Removes radiation from your body
-Repairs DNA/regrows brain cells
-Transports nutrients into cells
-Powerful natural electrolyte
-Increases bio availability of nutrients and minerals
-Alkalizes and detoxifies blood
-Regenerates and hydrates cells

Humic acid Benefits:
• 80+ minerals
• Potent Anti viral properties
• Promotes bone regeneration
• Clinically proven anti-inflammatory
• Burns fat and builds muscle
• Immune boosting
• Hormone balancing
• Anti carcinogenic properties
• Protection from harmful chemicals
• Protects against asthma and bronchitis, fibromyalgia, auto immune disorders, diabetes and tuberculosis
• Clinically shown to Block all viruses, including HIV and Herpes viruses

New Juice: Chaga Greens

today1Newest creation:

Coconut water, kale, lemon, cucumber, Chaga, ginger

Come try it today or the other 25 flavors we have bottled for you this morning. Or come create your own.

Chaga mushroom is one of the highest food antioxidants in the world!

Chaga is the most powerful sought after mushroom on earth. It’s one of the highest, if not the highest, antioxidants in the world and it’s documented extensively for having numerous health benefits, but it’s publicized mostly as an anti-cancer.

Anthelmintic Properties
Immune System Modulator
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

Feel And Look Better

todayDo you want to feel better and look great? Are you ready to get back to a healthier you and adopt a healthier lifestyle? If you are serious about a healthy lifestyle, you can start by giving your body the time, energy and nutrients to heal and detox itself. Whether as routine maintenance or a kick start to a new you, a tailored juice cleanse will help you achieve a better, cleaner body and a younger, brighter appearance. Imagine a juice cleanse program that’s designed just for your health and body.
1800 831 9028.
Delivering daily 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Also come visit us at out first location 3324 Dundas street west Monday to Saturday 7am to 3pm

Recharge Your Battery with a Shot of Wheatgrass


The right fuel for our body

Wheatgrass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has about 20% of total calories coming from protein. This protein is in the form of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that the body uses more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues.

When it is consumed fresh it is a living food and has bio-electricity. This high vibration energy is literally the life force within the living juice. This resource of life-force energy can potentially unleash powerful renewing vibrations and greater connectivity to one’s inner being. These powerful nutrients can also prevent DNA destruction and help protect us from the ongoing effects of pre-mature aging and cellular breakdown. Recent research shows that only living foods and juices can restore the electrical charge between the capillaries and the cell walls which boosts the immune system. When it is fresh, ?wheatgrass? ??juice? is the king of living juices


Turmeric Kick Elixir

Turmeric Kick: turmeric, ginger, water and apple cider vinegar.

This 1oz elixir packs a very powerful punch. It is an incredible cleanser and helps
things get moving internally.

Turmeric contains curcumin which has very high anti-inflammatory capabilities. Many
hail it for its ability to alleviate various ailments from joint pain to inflamed

Ginger is also an awesome immune-booster. It improves the absorption and
assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory
properties brings relief.

Apple cider vinegar is great for your gut and helps lower blood sugar. The main
substance in vinegar, acetic acid, can kill bacteria and/or prevent them from
multiplying and reaching harmful levels. Apple cider vinegar has shown to improve
insulin sensitivity and helping to lower blood sugar responses after meals.

Available in store today, incorporate it into your day

3325 Dundas street west, Runnymede and dundas in the junction. Toronto

Who is Raw Juice Guru?

IMG_4755Who is Raw Juice Guru?

Raw food eatery & Juice bar 7am-3pm.
We have been Delivering Tailored juice feast cleanses, raw food cleanses and raw food meal delivery packages Since 2012 to all of southern ontario cities and towns.

We bottle 900 Organic coldpressed nohpp Gmofree Juices.

We craft the most organic and healthy raw food, desert & smoothies.

We created a line of raw juice and treats just for children called “little Juice Guru” in 2013.

We are more than just a juice cleanse company. We want to show you how easy and healthy it is to incorporating more raw food can be. And how half your plate needs to contain raw food. How amazing you will feel including one or two raw juices a day. How detoxifying a wheatgrass elixir can be.

It all starts at the root. Let us help.

1800 831 9028

What is Chlorophyll?

chlorophyll2 Giving plants their green color is a natural compound known as chlorophyll. Utilizing light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide to glucose, chlorophyll plays a vital role in plant energy production. Research has found that this substance not only sustains plant life but has profoundly beneficial effects on human health as well.
The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of hemoglobin, the substance that transports oxygen in the bloodstream. Consuming chlorophyll rich fruits and vegetables improves the efficiency of oxygen transport in the body, which works to thin the blood and, in turn, helps prevent clotting and heart disease. Taking chlorophyll enhances any exercise program because the body requires oxygen to develop muscles and burn fat.
Chlorophyll exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and anti0viral activity and serves as an effective chelation agent, removing toxic heavy metals such as mercury from the body. Studies have observes the ability of this substance to aid in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Due to its antibacterial properties, many individuals with bad breath and body odor use chlorophyll mouthwashes or baths for relief.
As with other beneficial nutrients found in whole foods, juicing maximizes the absorption of chlorophyll. Some of the best sources of this rejuvenating substance including asparagus, romain, collard, swiss chard, arugula, bok choy, barley grass, chlorella, collard greens, kale, leeks, parsley, spirulina and wheatgrass.chlorophyll1

Why Juice?

IMG_4857There are many reasons why we should all juice. Today I will be talking about just 3 of those reasons.
1) It contains protein
2) Its full of Live enzymes
3) It gives you energy

Many are surprised to discover greens are one of the best sources of instantly absorbable, alkaline protein. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and green veggies are loaded with these muscle building nutrients. How do you think cows get their amino acids, magnesium, calcium and other muscle and bone building nutrients? FROM GREENS! They eat the green grass that contains all the phyto-nutrients we need to flourish. So, cut out the middle man and go straight to the source- EAT YOUR GREENS.

I have read so many articles that say meat is the best source of protein out there, its so false. Yes they contain alot of Grams of protein but what your body absorbs is a completely different ball game. Your body will only absorb 20 percent of that protein.

Raw Juice is also full of live enzymes. Food enzymes help make the digestion of food possible. All of natures uncooked and processed foods are full of enzymes. Its what gives us life and health. Live enzymes have a million and one functions, and there are many different kinds of live enzymes. Raw food and raw juice are living foods, they are life. But once you cook your food, they are gone. Enzymes are destroyed at temps over 115 F.

If you want Raw energy without the crash, raw juice is your answer. Coffee is not only acidic in your body but it is also one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops around.

Raw juices are liquid nutrition that your body drinks up almost immediately. Enjoy the rich infusion of nutrients.

Raw Food Tasting At Restaurant

25 people needed: you want to be part of our food testing day. We are holding a fun event where 25 lucky people get to come in and be the first to try and test our raw food creations. 25 people per day on Wednesday or Saturday.
We would love to hear what you think of the food. We are looking for vegans, vegetarian, paleo,eat eaters, any style of eating you do.

Wednesday July 15th at 6:15pm
Saturday July 18th at 1pm

Location: 3324 Dundas Street West, toronto

You want to be there? Tell us why and tell us what do you classify your eating as?

We look forward to meeting you.


Is There Fiber In Raw Juice?

fiberYou have all asked is there fibre in our raw juice? Yes. The separation you see in picture that 80 percent is the fiber. And this juice is apple, cucumber, parsley, cilantro, kale, lemon.

You can always tell the amount of fiber in any raw juice you buy by this separation. It also varies on the kind of juicer you use. We use the best cold pressed juicers to give your body the best amount of live enzymes, nutrients and fiber.

It was also thought that the juice had no fiber. Juicing got a bad rap in the early nineties because it was thought that the juice lacked fiber. But that assertion was simply not true; only the insoluble fiber is removed in the juicing process, and it’s loaded with soluble fiber, which is excellent for the intestinal tract.

There are 2 main types of fiber in fruits and vegetables. There is insoluble and soluble.

We all get enough insoluble, the problem is we are not getting enough soluble because it’s harder for our bodies to break down. Because of the food choices we make. When you remove the insoluble fiber and are left with the fluid part of the fruits and vegetables, it allows easier assimilation and absorption of vitamins, minerals & other important phytonutrients across the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber slows down absorption of many micronutrients, so basically juicing is fast tracking our nutrients.

In the past it was thought when juicing fruits and vegetables, a significant amount of nutrients remained in the fiber of fruits and vegetables, but that theory has been disproved. The Department of Agriculture analyzed twelve fruits and found that 90% of the antioxidant activity was in the raw juice rather than the fiber.

The recommended fiber intake for adults is between 20 and 35g per day, but the average Persona daily intake of dietary fiber is only 14 to 15 grams. It is easy to double that by juicing once each day. You can drink 2-3 lbs of veggies in one juicing, where it would be next to impossible to eat that amount in a meal.

The Healing Power of Grapefruit!

The Healing Power of Grapefruit!

the "White Pith" of the grapefruit is very valuable, bio available Vitamin C (bioflavinoids) and a fantastic anti-cancer nutrient.

Our Adrenals need Vitamin C more than any other organ of the body. Usable Vitamin C such as Citrus is almost a daily must to get into our diets.

Acidity: Grapefruit has a sub-acid taste, however its juice actually has an alkaline reaction after digestion. This applies as well, with Lemons and Limes, Plumellos.

Diabetics can eat Grapefruit!

Grapefruit can help increase the body's sensitivity to blood glucose. While this seems bad, it is actually quite the opposite. A diabetic has increased resistance to blood glucose and therefore contracts the disease. If the body increases their sensitivity to blood glucose, they can also stave off some of the symptoms or effects of diabetes. This is one of the greatest grapefruit benefits that you will find from a fruit that has a whole lot of grapefruit benefits.

Breast cancer: Bioflavonoids found in grapefruit was discovered to even halt cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer patients, by ridding the body of excess estrogen.

The fibers from Grapefruits can benefit good colon health, especially the pith from the Grapefruits. So this is why I eat, almost daily, one Grapefruit before I do anything. Red Ruby are my favorite.

Pregnant woman: The bioflavonoids and vitamin C help to reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Another reason why to juice the Grapefruits, because the bio-availability from the Pith is magnificent when juiced along with the Grapefruit.

Weight-loss: This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. It is widely consumed by people who are trying to lose weight.